
Readings and Assignments

"What a joy for one who lives to tell the things he has been through
when the suffering is over!"
--The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor (c. 2000 BC)

Tuesday, August 30

Introduction: Who We Are and the Stories We Read and Tell

Discussion: Kafka, "Leopards in the Temple"

Film Excerpt: "Storytelling and Humanity," from The Electronic Storyteller

Thursday, September 1

What is culture?

Reading: Ember and Ember, Cultural Anthropology, "The Concept of Culture" (x)

Tuesday, September 6

Introduction: The Ancient Near East

Reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablets 1-5, pp. 3-28

Thursday, September 8

Reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablets 6-8, pp. 29-47

Tuesday, September 13

Reading:The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablets 9-11, pp. 48-82

Thursday, September 15

Introduction: The Egyptian Empire

Quiz 1: Gilgamesh

Tuesday, September 20

Reading: "The Instruction for Little Pepi on His Way to School" (p. 32);
"Rebuke Addressed to a Dissipated Scribe" (p. 48);
"Menna's Lament" (p. 52); "The Resurrection of King Unis" (p. 64);
"Hymn to Osiris" (p. 102); "Akhenaten's Hymn to the Sun" (p. 1);
"Hymn to the Nile" (p. 110); and "The Leyden Hymns" (pp. 159, 160. 163, 166)

Thursday, September 22

Reading: "From the Tomb of King Intef" (p. 179);
"The Harper's Song for Inherkhawy" (p. 181);
and "The Wisdom of Amenemopet" (p. 206)

Tuesday, September 27

Reading: The Tale of Sinuhe (p. 124),
The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor (p. 8), and
"The Immortality of Writers" (p. 226)

Thursday, September 29

Discussion: Ancient Egypt

Quiz 2: Ancient Egyptian Literature

Tuesday, October 4


Thursday, October 6

Introduction: The Homeric World

Reading: Homer, The Odyssey, Book 1-4

Tuesday, October 11

Reading: Homer, The Odyssey, Book 5-8

Thursday, October 13

Reading: Homer, The Odyssey, Book 9-12

Tuesday, October 18

Reading: Homer, The Odyssey, Book 13-19

Thursday, October 20

Reading: Homer, The Odyssey, Book 20-24

Tuesday, October 25

Discussion: The Odyssey

Quiz 3: The Odyssey

Thursday, October 27

Introduction: Anglo-Saxon England

Tuesday, November 1

Reading: Beowulf, pp. 2-81

Thursday, November 3

Reading: Beowulf, pp. 82-131

Tuesday, November 8

Reading: Beowulf, pp. 131-213

Thursday, November 10

Discussion: Beowulf

Quiz 4: Beowulf

Tuesday, November 15

Introduction: Arabic Culture in the Early Middle Ages

Reading: The Arabian Nights, "Prologue," pp. 3-16,
"The Story of the Merchant and the Demon," pp. 17-29,
and "The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon," pp. 30-66

Thursday, November 17

Reading: The Arabian Nights, "The First, Second and Third Dervish's Tales," pp. 86-132

Tuesday, November 22

Discussion: What Stories Can Teach

Film: The Arabian Nights

Thursday, November 24


Tuesday, November 29

Reading: The Arabian Nights, "The Story of the Three Apples," pp. 150-157,
and "The Story of the Two Viziers," pp. 157-206

Thursday, December 1

Reading: The Arabian Nights, "The Jewish Physician's Tale:
The Young Man from Mosul and the Murdered Girl," pp. 238-248

Quiz 5: The Arabian Nights

Tuesday, December 6

Film: Myerhoff and Littman, Number Our Days (in class)

Thursday, December 8

Discussion: Number Our Days and Course Retrospective

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