Preparing for Class: October 11


Books 5-8

Homework: Demodocus the Bard tells a number of stories while Odysseus is in the land of the Phaeacians. Choose one of them and explain first why the tale is appropriate to the occasion. Next, analyze what we can learn about Homeric culture from the way the story is told and the way people respond to it and to the bard. Be sure to pick a story that gives you the possibility of significant cultural analysis. (This should be one single-spaced, typewritten page in length.)

Because so many people had extensions on the last paper, this homework is not due in written form. You should, however, be ready to talk about it in class.

1) Describe the island of Ogygia.

2) Why is Calypso angry with Hermes?

3) How does Hermes get Calypso to comply with his orders?

4) What is Odysseus doing the first time he appears in the story?

5) How does Odysseus survive the storm at sea?

6) Why does Athene choose Nausicaa to lead Odysseus into the palace of the Phaeacians?

7) What god protects strangers and beggars?

8) What is the blood relationship between Arete and Alcinous?

9) Compare the palace of Alconous with the palaces of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War, Nestor and Menelaus.

10) Describe the country of the Phaeacians.

11) What is the relationship between the Phaeacians and the gods?

12) Why does Alconous wish, before he even knows Odysseus’ name, to have him for a son-in-law?

13) What story does Demodocus tell before the games?

14) What is the nature of Euryalus’ insulting words to Odysseus? In other words, why is it an insult to be called a merchant?

15) How does Odysseus respond to Euryalus? Why are athletic contests important in Homeric culture?

16) For what accomplishments are the Phaeacians famous?

17) What is the next story told by Demodocus, and what is its moral?

18) What does Odysseus’ gift of meat to Demodocus suggest about the social position of the singer?

19) What final story does Odysseus ask Demodocus to tell, and why?

20) According to Alcinous, who is responsible for what happens to human beings?


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