Preparing for Class: October 18


Books 13-19

1) What does King Alcinous propose be done for Odysseus just before he leaves Phaeacia? Does anything strike you as interesting or significant about his proposal?

2) How does Poseidon address Zeus in their interchange about the Phaeacians? What does this suggest about the relations among the gods? among men?

3) Describe Odysseus’ first meeting with Athene on Ithaca. What does this suggest about Odysseus? about Athene? about their relationship?

4) How does Odysseus enter Ithacan society? Why?

5) Who is Eumaeus? What makes him such an unusual character?

6) How does Eumaeus treat Odysseus? Why does he treat him that way?

7) What does Odysseus tell Eumaeus about himself? Why?

8) What does Menelaus tell Telemachus about the host/guest relationship? What linkage is there between his words and the action of the rest of the book?

9) What does Eumaeus tell Odysseus about the situation in his home and the effect it has had on him?

10) How and where does Odysseus first meet Telemachus? What happens at the meeting?

11) What happens at Odysseus’ second meeting with Telemachus? What is the main difference between these meetings?

12) How do the suitors react to the news of Telemachus’ safe return to Ithaca? Why?

13) Describe Telemachus’ encounter with Penelope in Book 17. What do we learn from it?

14) What happens during Odysseus’ meeting with Melanthius? What is significant about it?

15) How is Odysseus treated when he first returns to his house? What is right or wrong with this treatment?

16) Describe Odysseus’ encounter with Amphinomus on pages 276-7. What do you think we are to learn from this encounter? Have you read similar statements elsewhere in the epic or in other readings this semester?

17) On pages 279-281, Penelope addresses her suitors. Why does she do so, and what is significant in her speech? Why does her speech delight Odysseus?

18) Toward the end of Book 18, Odysseus has an encounter with Melantho. What do we learn from this encounter? How does it prepare us for the extent of Odysseus’ revenge on the suitors?

19) What story does Odysseus in disguise tell Penelope? How much of it is true? What is his attitude toward Penelope during this session?

20) What is the story behind the scar discovered by Eurycleia on Odysseus’ thigh? How many levels are there in the story? How many time periods does that brief section cover? Why does Homer so often tell a story in such a complicated way? What does he gain by doing so?

21) Do you think Odysseus is justified in his threat to kill Eurycleia?

22) On pages 301-2, Penelope discusses dreams and their origins. The passage is famous: why do you think this might be the case?

23) On page 302, Penelope introduces a trial of strength to decide who shall be her husband. Why?

24) Are there any moral statements in the events described in these books? That is, does any character ever say: this is good behavior or that is bad behavior? If you find any such statements, comment on them. If you do not, comment on the fact that you do not.

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