Op Amp Circuits

Objectives: We want to be able to
  • recognize and use the "ideal op amp" model.
  • identify common op amp circuits such as the inverting, noninverting and differential amplifiers.
  • analyze op amp circuits by writing and solving node equations.
  • use the catalog of op amp circuits in Figure 6.5-1 to design those circuits.

Reading:Chapter 6.

  • The operation amplifier, or op amp, is an integrated circuit. It's described in Section 6.2.

  • The ideal op amp is the simplest model of an op amp. It's the model that we will use in this course. Section 6.2 describes the ideal op amp.

  • Op amp circuits are frequently analyzed using node equations. Section 6.5 shows how to write node equations for op amp circuits.

  • Op amps have been used to design many practical circuits. Some have become so popular that they have names. Figure 6.5-1 collects several such circuits, together with the equations used to design them. Section 6.5 contains several examples that illustrate designing op amp circuits.
    • Example 6.5-1 introduces the important issue of "loading" and shows how an op amp circuit can be used to eliminate loading.
    • Example 6.5-2 shows how op amps circuits are used to design circuits to do simple signal processing.

  • Op amp circuits are analyzed by writing and solving a set of equations, usually node equations. After solving the equations, we use Kirchhoff's laws to check that the solutions is indeed correct. In Section 6.10, an op amp circuit is analyzed and Kirchhoff's laws are used to check the results of that analysis.

Lecture Notes:

  1. Ideal Op Amps.
  2. The Inverting Amplifier.
  3. The Noninverting Amplifier.
  4. A plot of the output versus the input of this op amp circuit is a straight line.


  1. The ideal op amp.
  2. Writing node equations for circuits containing ideal op amps.


  1. Ideal Op Amps and solutions.
  2. Node Equations and solutions.
  3. Standard Op Amp Circuits and solutions.
  4. Examples.

On-line Exercises:

  1. Ideal op amp circuits.
  2. Writing node equations for op amp circuits.

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