Instructor | Abul N. Khondker |
Office | CAMP 134, Tel: 268-2127 |
Office Hours | MWF 10:00-12:00 pm Or, by appoinments |
Text |
Required: Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A systems Perspective
by Neil Weste and Kamran Eshraghian (1993) Recommended: Verilog HDL: A guide to digital design and synthesis by Samir Pa1nitkar, Sunsoft Press Printice Hall) (1996) |
Software |
Prerequisites | EE241 and EE341 |
Course Content |
Homework | There will be approximately 7-10 assignments throughout the session. Each assignment (homework and/or project) will be graded on a scale of 0 to 10. Unsatisfactory work will be must be redone with some penalty of points. |
Midterm Exam | Take home exam. The test will be given on October 11th. Due date: October 14th. (dates may change) |
Grading policy | The course grade will be determined from a weighted average on the normalized homework+project and exam grades. The weights will be: Homework+project 30, Midterm exam - 20, Final oral exam - 15, and Final project 35 |
The following scale will be used to convert numerical grades to letter grade: A(90-100 ), B+(85-89.9 ), B(80-84.9 ), C+(75-79.9 ) C(70-74.9 ), D+(65-69.9 ), D(60-64.9 ), F(0-59.9 ). |
pSpice Files:
inv_r.cir-An inverter with a resistive load SmartSpice Files (examples): inverter with a resistive load Download these files for the BSIM3 models of NMOS and PMOS devices.
modelcard.nmos-BSIM model for NMOS modif.pdf -- modif statement in SmartSpice
try the following in smartspice's analysis window:
MODIF PRTBL LOOP=10 c.xload.capl(cap)+=(0.05pF)0.05pF MODIF PRTBL LOOP=5 inv_nw+=(3.0um)0.5umBe sure to modify the statements for your specific situation. Homework
Homework #1 In *.pdf format. Due date Sept 17, 2001 Lasi Pro 5.1
Download Lasi5 (clarkson Univ version).
Save on a floppy and run install. tlc files:Copy all of the files on a floppy and tlcin 4-1mux_k file. Answer yesto all questions and do not use the .tlc extension This will tlcin the other 3 files that are used as cells in 4-1mux_k.
4-1mux_k.tlc Here are two layout examples of the 4-bit binary counter:
wsl2.tlc - by Wu, Love and Shashi Some examples....(good designs) by Daryl Seitzer:
2 input Nor gate Some examples....(designs that have room for improvements by using less "room"):
2 input Nor gate Some more examples....(what do you think about these?):
2 input Nor gate 4 bits Serial to parallel register by Huzaifa, Rishi and Sachin
Verilog links
Verilog notes-1 -- part of this is taken from a Verilog training Manual from Cadence
ripple.v - from Verilog HDL by Samir Palnitkar The following files are variations of ripple.v that describes the 4-bit ripple carry counter.
rip.v - Behavioral level abstration