About Me
Research Interests
Useful Links
AWM at Clarkson
PME at Clarkson
PhD Students:
2023/08 -- Present,
Ibraheem Abiodun Yahayah.
2023/08 -- Present,
Olaoluwa Ogunleye, PhD Candidate.
2017/08 -- 2023/05,
Dr. Kalani Rubasinghe, Google Scholar.
2015/08 -- 2019/05,
Dr. Wen Li,
Google Scholar,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Fordham University, New York, NY.
Visiting Scholars:
2018/09 -- 2019/09,
Jing Niu, Visiting Scholar,
Now Associate Professor at Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China.
2013/12--2014/11, Liqun Ban, Visiting Scholar, Associate Professor at Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China.
Underaduate Research Students:
2024/05 -- 2024/07,
Mark Santa Clara Munro, Summer Research, Matheamtics and Computer Science double majors at Clarkson University.
2023/05 -- 2023/07,
Al-Sadh Imadh, MBioTS Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) 2023, Matheamtics major at University of Central Florida.
2022/05 -- 2022/07,
Kyler Hathaway, REU 2022, Chemical Engineering major at Clarkson.
2022/05 -- 2022/07,
Shawn Koohy, REU 2022, Math major at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
2021/05 -- 2021/07,
Elizabeth Javor, REU 2021,
Math major at Rochester Institute of Technology.
2021/05 -- 2021/07, Luis Antonio Topete Galvian, REU 2021,
Graduated from Universidad Automoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH, Mexico).
2021/05 -- 2021/07, Evan Davis, REU 2021,
PhD Candidate in Math at UCLA with NSF Fellow Support.
Ying Chen,
Chemical Enginnering Major,
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Modeling and Simulation of Lifetime of Biomass Burning Markers,
Senior Data Analyst at New York Life Investiments.
Self-motivated students interested in independent study may contact me for project ideas.