Research Group


Marko Budisic 

Marko Budisic

Prior to joining Clarkson in 2016, I lived in Zagreb, Croatia, where I am from, then Santa Barbara, CA and Madison, WI. My spare time is spent with my family (Katie, son Luka, and doggie Gaia), stressing over politics, and building up my patience by dabbling in woodworking.

Current Students

Aishah Albarakati 

Aishah Albarakati

I am a PhD student at Clarkson University on a full academic scholarship from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM). I am working in ocean modeling and fluid dynamics. My other research interests are mathematical biology, ordinary differential equations, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, and applied mathematics.

Personal Website

Cole Cappon 

Cole Cappon Short bio.

Sathsara Dias 

Sathsara Dias Short bio.

Toop Indoung 

Toop Indoung Short bio.

Rachel Reed 

Rachel Reed

I am an Applied Mathematics PhD student, a Teaching Assistant here at Clarkson, and, most importantly, I'm a mother to a wonderful little girl whom I'm very proud to call my daughter. I have a Bachelor's in Alternative Renewable Energy Systems, as well as a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering Technology from SUNY Canton. I worked in restaurants for 16 years and in construction for 2 years then came back to the world of higher education. I love to cook, spend time with my family, and make memories with friends. I love driving through the mountains when the leaves change and the smell of home cooked meals in my house during the holidays. I'm also a supporter of helping each other grow and succeed.

Lukas Reynolds 

Lukas Reynolds

Since arriving at Clarkson as an undergraduate, I have focused mainly on the theory of mathematics. This study comprises many areas, with an emphasis on linear algebra and mathematical analysis. Currently, I am working in the realm of Applied Topology with interest drawn towards Euler Calculus. This work is intended to result in research towards a PhD in Mathematics.

Past Students

  • Isabel Dengos (ugrad, Summer 2017)

  • Owen Talmadge (ugrad, Spring/Fall 2018)

If you are interested in joining the group, please see the page for prospective students.