
Research Projects
Project Available

Clarkson University

MAE Department
MCS Department

Prospective Students
UAV Links

Pier Marzocca - Leader
Assistant Professor
The Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Clarkson University, CAMP 354, Potsdam, New York 13699-5725
(ph) 315-268-3875 (fax) 315-268-6695
(Email) pmarzocc@clarkson.edu
(web) http://www.clarkson.edu/~pmarzocc/

Erik Bollt - Leader
Associate Professor
Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science and Dept of Physics,
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5815
(ph) 315-268-2307 (fax) 315-268-2371
(Email) bolltem@clarkson.edu
(web) http://www.clarkson.edu/~bolltem

Brian Helenbook - Associate
Assistant Professor
The Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Clarkson University, CAMP 362, Potsdam, New York 13699-5725
(ph) 315-268-2204 (fax) 315-268-6438
(Email) helenbrk@clarkson.edu
(web) http://www.clarkson.edu/~maeweb/faculty/helenbrook.html

Ken Visser - Associate
Associate Professor
The Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
P.O. Box 5725, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, 13699-5725
(ph)  315 268 7687 (fax) 315 268 6438
(Email) visser@clarkson.edu
(web) http://www.clarkson.edu/~visser


  Christopher Zupp
AE Student
- Public Relations,
- Systems  and  Mission  Specs
Aerodynamic Testing and Concepts

  George McCain
AE Student
- Aerodynamic Testing and Concepts

Douglas Streibich
AE, ME, CE Student
- Design, Control and Production
- System Design and Concept

Jeremy Rohr
AE Student
- Design and Production
- System Design and Concept

Josh Butler
AE Student
- Smart Materials and Technology Feasibility Studies
- Active Control Systems
- Autonomous Vehicle Mission

  Steve Schober
MS Student, AE
- Autopilot for Morphing Airvehicle
- Smart Materials and Technology Feasibility Studies
- Active Control Systems

David McCarney
AE Student
- Materials and Technology Testing
- Aeroelastic Modeling

Robert Hover
AE Student
- Materials and Technology Testing
- Aeroelastic Modeling

Matthew Brown
AE Student
- Materials and Technology Testing
- Aeroelastic Modeling

Pond Timothy Jon
AE Student
- CAD and Animations
- Systems and Optimization Studies

Abe Gnann
AE, ME Student
- Flight Testing and Production
- Adaptive Control Concepts

Chris Cornier
ME Student
- Finite Element Modeling and Characterization
- Aeroelastic Modeling
- Weight and Structural Optimization

Nik Foti
AE Student
- Aerodynamic Testing and Concepts

Former Students

Chris Bastien [bastiecj@clarkson.edu] - MAE

Matt Feldman [feldmamd@clarkson.edu] - MAE

Jimmy Leahy [leahyjr@clarkson.edu] - MAE

Jules Ngambo [ngamboje@clarkson.edu] - ECE

Dave Beckmann  [beckmang@clarkson.edu] - MAE

Charles Staniunas - MCS

Alberto Roman - MAE, McNair Program

Quam Sodji - MCS, McNair Program

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