Publications (Prof. Sergiy Minko)

Journal Articles
  1. Minko, S.; Usov, D.; Goreshnik, E.; Stamm, M. Environment-adopting surfaces with reversibly switchable morphology. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2001, 22(3), 206-211. Details
  2. Miller, A. C.; Minko, S.; Berg, J. C. Application of acoustic emission measurements to investigate adhesion in filled polymeric composites. Journal of Adhesion 2001, 75(3), 257-266. Details
Preprints and Proceedings
  1. Minko, S.; Luzinov, I.; Patil, S.; Datsyuk, V.; Stamm, M. Tuning morphology and surface properties of smart polymer coatings from mixed polymer brushes. PMSE Preprints 2001, 85, 314-315. pdf version
  2. Minko, S.; Patil, S.; Pionteck, J.; Stamm, M. Synthesis of binary polymer brushes via "grafting to" approach. PMSE Preprints 2001, 84, 877-878. pdf version
  3. Stamm, M.; Minko, S.; Goreshnik, E.; Usov, D.; Sidorenko, A. Switching of surface properties with polymer brushes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 2001, 629, FF9.3.1-FF9.3.8.