i-UAV Home page Projects on small inflatable unmanned aerial vehicles

Research Projects
Project Available

Clarkson University

MAE Department
MCS Department

Prospective Students
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Please come and discuss possible topics with one of us: Pier Marzocca (MAE), E. Bollt (MCS), B. Helenbrook (MAE), Ken Visser (MAE).  Subject areas supervised include Design of Inflatable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics, Morphing Control, and Flight Instrumentation.  Any topics within the following or related areas can be discussed and potentially agreed to.

Possible Topics (multiple projects possible):

  • Design and Construction of i-UAV
    • Design optimisation
    • Further miniaturisation of concept
    • Research and explore new design, airframe, propulsion, and/or control concepts;
    • Optimisation of propeller designs for i-UAV
    • Testing
  • Manufacturing Design for i-UAV Prototype Components
    • Complete structural design and analyses
    • Tooling design and construction
    • Component manufacture
    • Deployable systems
  • Unsteady Aerodynamics
    • Adapt panel code CFD to low Re
    • Reduced order flow modelling
    • Aerodynamic refinements
  • Stability and Control Analyses of the i-UAV
  • Morphing Control Systems:
    • Explore use of “smart” materials, structures, and actuators.     
  • Wind Tunnel Model Airframe Modules:
    • Wind tunnel testing of the one or more configurations;
  • Create Flight Simulation Model(s)
  • Component(s) Testing
    • Testing of Launch Mechanism(s)
  • Flight Instrumentation and Control
    • Integrate novel sensors and flight control systems
  • Flight Testing
  • Develop flight test platforms and systems
    • Autonomous Flight Controller Design
    • Development, and
    • Testing for the i-UAV
  • Development of Concept-of-Operations (CONOPS)
  • Explore Concepts for
    • Indoor operation
    • Outdoor operation

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