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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Tungsten Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

     0.2847			-1.1881
s    0.1889			 1.3559
     0.0458			 0.6992

     0.5579			-0.1048
p    0.1268			 0.6111
     0.0441			 0.5089

     1.0081	 0.3921
d    0.3977	 0.4681
     0.1626	 0.2756
     0.0663	 0.06756


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    0.109200   -0.005597
     2    0.872100  -57.148006
     2    1.016700  168.477322
s-g  2    1.352600 -202.826114
     2    1.818500  127.622498
     2    2.722300 -116.136657
     1    1.868900   68.527226
     0   19.640100    4.927664
     2    0.497100   38.402692   -3.001810
     2    0.554100 -116.084894    5.152431
     2    0.680300  199.117145    2.490436
p-g  2    0.879000 -217.430788   -9.546175
     2    1.095700  119.613460    4.002540
     2    4.521000   54.779850   -3.486049
     1    9.709900   47.164291   -0.721420
     0   27.315400    5.729159   -0.099186
     2    0.814100  -10.730679    0.738110
     2    0.222200   -0.095880   -0.014301
     2    0.884800   13.171008   -0.859943
d-g  2    2.142900  -74.291132   -2.074782
     2    2.701500  194.932841    9.680891
     2    3.511300 -128.381914   -9.610282
     1    5.694700   22.449178    0.642316
     0    4.355000    8.121222   -0.069750
     2    0.449500   42.526158   -0.581365
     2    0.506500 -130.231175    1.658921
     2    0.625800  176.635130   -2.028835
f-g  2    0.856000 -173.755314    1.701161
     2    1.068100  103.756181   -0.855953
     2    4.848700   59.370614    0.064020
     1   11.446800   47.211561   -0.000457
     0   37.238800    4.744698    0.001238
     2    0.683700   -0.750380   -0.021833
     2    1.652800   -8.056513    0.032295
g    2    4.380200  -27.777786   -0.143688
     2   11.738200  -96.638144    0.385995
     2   39.069000 -219.250213    0.143535
     1  115.773700  -48.639836    1.431896

Tungsten Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 5p, 5d, and 6s subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

		(-3.4114)	(-0.2608)
     2.8533	 -0.5674	  0.2173
     0.9067	  1.2124	 -0.6293
s    0.2815	  0.2029	  0.1660
     0.1102	 -0.0277	  0.7187
     0.03969	  0.0061	  0.5276

     3.0085	 -0.3515
     1.7265	  0.5060
p    0.7364	  0.6151
     0.3189	  0.2065
     0.09046	  0.0090

     1.0170	  0.3903
d    0.4026	  0.4690
     0.1632	  0.2788
     0.06538	  0.0651

     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    2.270200  -39.296403
     2    2.636000  124.155211
     2    3.460900 -228.805808
s-g  2    5.088900  432.316547
     2    7.923600 -361.889292
     2   12.650600  357.387043
     1   35.138700   30.991530
     0   32.791600    6.803532
     2    1.828900  -31.355139    0.757227
     2    2.164100  103.971120   -0.693560
     2    2.872500 -200.159125   -5.567648
p-g  2    4.199900  372.584694   30.493860
     2    6.404700 -344.031755  -45.586964
     2    9.775100  300.360080   13.782467
     1   25.061000   36.691950   -4.911026
     0   34.814000    5.788349    0.004293
     2    1.331700  -24.229986   -0.276437
     2    1.551100   75.064426    1.318383
     2    2.060500 -149.580296   -4.568964
d-g  2    2.919300  267.754260   12.468556
     2    4.375900 -291.289206  -18.131550
     2    6.549700  253.979572    9.981495
     1   16.100800   26.815595   -0.716999
     0   20.450800    7.900789    0.041741
     2    0.878500   37.999538    0.241820
     2    0.959700  -73.818925   -0.381691
     2    1.227500  102.533403    1.030104
f-g  2    1.335100  -60.673985   -0.950538
     2    3.732000   25.935413    0.067319
     2   10.769500   93.244569    0.062418
     1   28.344400   33.224733   -0.019748
     0   66.987500    1.052532    0.001707
     2    1.160700   -0.547091   -0.008547
     2    3.197300   -9.247404   -0.019971
g    2    8.386400  -52.480213    0.125351
     2   22.003900 -106.440535    0.476853
     2   73.784100 -320.769269    0.973450
     1  241.438500  -47.993453    2.968651