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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 101, 1098 (1994).

Polonium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.       C
     1.817818    0.1549067
     0.963673   -0.7956205
s    0.379815    0.7456824
     0.166737    0.5505959
     0.079820    0.1855269
     9.440880   -0.0015831
     0.700806   -0.3551967
p    0.445134    0.5103008
     0.157003    0.6032041
     0.061235    0.2671568
    11.9366     -0.01631628
     1.9518      0.50997467
d    0.9714      0.28709528
     0.6484      0.23581397
     0.2876      0.09761215


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2     0.832300   -30.030388
     2     0.947600    96.168549
     2     1.202800  -181.030523
s-g  2     1.667200   305.079290
     2     2.418500  -303.261549
     2     3.385200   193.489068
     1    11.986900    59.070728
     0    38.505600     6.377507
     2     0.655000   -22.485818    9.699632
     2     0.734600    71.352982  -26.102454
     2     0.906900  -130.564653   31.928936
p-g  2     1.211900   214.889870  -18.441550
     2     1.685000  -221.690785    3.108271
     2     2.274800   143.386718   -3.938845
     1     8.023300    45.491122   -3.311862
     0    19.252400     6.194662   -0.053408
     2     0.763000    -7.337836    2.403977
     2     0.885600    25.268492   -7.058858
     2     1.147900   -52.303458    9.215832
d-g  2     1.613600    87.858867   -7.763555
     2     2.384300  -140.938326    5.427679
     2     3.385600   145.238797   -1.861839
     1    15.323000    28.623874    3.514193
     0    13.386800     7.734793   -0.250958
     2     0.694400     9.205861    0.708914
     2     0.780900   -28.852999   -2.093899
     2     0.968700    52.883068    3.311083
f-g  2     1.286800   -85.146308   -4.215339
     2     1.777100   124.289395    4.248335
     2     2.384400  -116.739091   -2.093740
     1     2.826300    38.185481    0.036702
     0    14.087300     5.008998   -0.002419

     2     1.513400    -1.457873   -0.055236
     2     3.672200   -14.713606    0.131682
g    2    11.044300   -62.380540   -0.272720
     2    27.633100  -147.987027    1.481738
     2    94.039300  -416.049633    0.970523
     1   308.292100   -56.736041    4.315087