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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Osmium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

     0.3962			-0.5282
s    0.1494			 0.8793
     0.0436			 0.5274

     0.5755			-0.0954
p    0.1252			 0.6991
     0.0407			 0.4228

     1.1271	 0.4486
d    0.4362	 0.4726
     0.1727	 0.2329
     0.0651	 0.0376


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    0.802000   26.274256
     2    0.907200  -96.176119
     2    1.157800  211.952984
s-g  2    1.616300 -253.411645
     2    2.365200  228.250831
     2    3.387800 -102.191633
     1    5.567800   48.779173
     0   19.545600    6.438573
     2    0.569700   37.432063   -3.218766
     2    0.638600 -116.317689    5.399434
     2    0.789200  207.202487    3.758105
p-g  2    1.029700 -229.604584  -12.078282
     2    1.295900  129.959588    4.873307
     2    5.372500   63.953626   -4.168509
     1   11.334500   49.047302   -0.643850
     0   31.141300    5.689023   -0.104379
     2    0.316500   -0.252712   -0.035338
     2    0.786500   13.532974    0.032674
     2    0.929900  -43.620311    1.627816
d-g  2    1.215000   79.108329   -5.595765
     2    1.659800 -120.068513    8.400326
     2    2.168000  100.242541   -4.409596
     1    8.581600   51.208414   -0.317916
     0   30.715700    7.078043    0.032112
     2    0.424800   42.012730   -0.991927
     2    0.481900 -130.600574    2.935040
     2    0.605500  195.075287   -4.078170
f-g  2    0.802100 -184.759510    3.567435
     2    1.027800   97.175326   -1.669932
     2    4.366800   47.794316    0.064947
     1    9.822600   44.163058    0.019024
     0   27.932500    4.861011    0.000315
     2    0.807800   -0.876579   -0.024948
     2    1.953800   -8.941045    0.045105
g    2    5.285300  -31.520309   -0.230611
     2   13.878000 -106.301917    0.606274
     2   47.062900 -252.037860    0.192441
     1  141.497300  -49.823087    1.816831

Osmium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 5p, 5d, and 6s subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

		(-3.9577)	(-0.2861)
     2.2173	 -1.8235	  0.7875
s    1.4811	  2.3471	 -1.1362
     0.3064	  0.4229	 -0.3457
     0.1404	 -0.1548	  0.7955
     0.04833	  0.0336	  0.5563

     3.9040	 -0.2269
p    1.4683	  0.5787
     0.6801	  0.4982
     0.3074	  0.1209
     0.1063	  0.0059

     1.1213	  0.4561
d    0.4306	  0.4718
     0.1704	  0.2259
     0.06810	  0.0375

     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    2.426900  -32.769308
     2    2.844600  110.550120
     2    3.784200 -222.005590
s-g  2    5.724100  473.636705
     2    9.265400 -411.240493
     2   15.674400  389.156373
     1   46.986000   27.666621
     0   38.683200    6.707425
     2    1.983400  -33.744503    0.373267
     2    2.317500  107.942668    0.925371
     2    3.074600 -207.278724   -9.820517
p-g  2    4.546300  396.811924   41.575996
     2    7.135300 -384.670462  -68.208574
     2   11.636400  398.631893   36.693566
     1   33.217300   26.761615   -3.860765
     0   28.848400    9.743717    0.155634
     2    1.520300  -24.809449   -0.023542
     2    1.753400   79.302610    0.746410
     2    2.258800 -148.692781   -3.787183
d-g  2    3.169600  251.077700   11.652036
     2    4.664800 -255.171081  -16.963522
     2    6.848500  224.030258    9.421419
     1   14.548300   30.838577   -0.575082
     0   22.595400    7.832594    0.033214
     2    1.948800   90.393729    3.730343
     2    2.258900 -196.834972   -7.622369
     2    2.925800  215.510771    5.998902
f-g  2    4.028100 -153.257818   -2.894123
     2    5.842800  101.812991    0.894703
     2   18.536500  103.323335   -0.182197
     1   50.939600   29.861174    0.035423
     0    4.618300    0.961811   -0.001740
     2    1.532600   -0.719413   -0.008489
     2    4.086200  -11.781179   -0.041877
g    2   10.544400  -65.208198    0.155106
     2   28.974600 -124.698361    0.821904
     2   93.632000 -372.651010    1.806325
     1  314.221200  -50.555684    3.944702