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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Mercury Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

     0.5371			-0.5204
s    0.2247			 0.7018
     0.0649			 0.6951

     0.7213			-0.0713
p    0.1505			 0.4189
     0.0512			 0.6805

     1.4418	 0.5030
d    0.5560	 0.4605
     0.2167	 0.1908
     0.0835	 0.0238


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    1.310600  -84.917057
     2    1.525600  276.988667
     2    1.999100 -338.399086
s-g  2    2.824300  317.144943
     2    4.172100 -203.942865
     2    6.288500  165.251316
     1   15.612800   50.152796
     0   40.719900    3.979591
     2    0.973500  -14.863204   12.788267
     2    1.120800   94.565658  -15.902449
     2    1.470000 -141.043982   -5.566498
p-g  2    2.119000  143.836845   20.602675
     2    3.243800  -80.448018  -19.081968
     2    5.328000   94.060874    9.650339
     1   12.845600   52.950096   -0.656251
     0   36.974300    5.603944    0.077931
     2    1.489100   64.182440   -4.054616
     2    0.359400   -0.143450   -0.024446
     2    1.384500  -47.454059    3.266115
d-g  2    2.669000 -103.458332    0.547229
     2    3.745400  235.987038    6.559014
     2    5.633500 -176.666534  -10.370148
     1    8.813500   67.144999    0.611204
     0   47.669300    6.698038   -0.078183
     2    0.723800  -41.446112    8.882251
     2    0.825000  136.941601  -16.353893
     2    1.048000 -188.020153    9.989189
f-g  2    1.427400  196.114660   -0.597456
     2    2.014300 -135.424807   -3.611850
     2    2.813600   97.133018    2.410580
     1    8.314500   44.362390    0.133587
     0   22.519500    5.045634   -0.009517
     2    1.066100   -1.125593   -0.038909
     2    2.555200  -10.712210    0.094153
g    2    7.327700  -37.997999   -0.115764
     2   18.271600 -124.305494    0.517553
     2   62.892900 -312.364613    0.571937
     1  194.987600  -52.263057    2.586728

Mercury Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 5p, 5d, and 6s subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

		(-5.0716)	(-0.3254)
     2.4957	 -3.9767	  1.8030
     2.0665	  4.4020	 -2.1123
s    0.5553	  0.4052	 -0.2639
     0.1736	 -0.0257	  0.6512
     0.05873	  0.0076	  0.5915

     3.7197	 -0.5567
     2.4806	  0.7352
p    1.0219	  0.6120
     0.4514	  0.1716
     0.1558	  0.0087

     1.4419	  0.5040
d    0.5554	  0.4601
     0.2163	  0.1907
     0.08224	  0.0231

     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    2.835700  -25.160120
     2    3.299500   91.191325
     2    4.367300 -201.981951
s-g  2    6.544800  454.723305
     2   10.368400 -358.648234
     2   17.265400  429.541681
     1   46.423800   35.777025
     0   41.914100    6.852801
     2    2.494500  -29.687648   10.786126
     2    2.887300  101.145418  -28.949175
     2    3.778400 -208.319952   34.785571
p-g  2    5.539100  427.213635   -8.383606
     2    8.602600 -379.296056  -21.593819
     2   13.725000  371.703600   10.253373
     1   37.172000   33.641006   -3.342611
     0   38.386900    5.870535    0.071105
     2    1.863200  -29.977787    0.009195
     2    2.152500   93.632888    0.833645
     2    2.835100 -181.202595   -4.775551
d-g  2    4.113400  337.589915   16.348839
     2    6.331600 -357.079302  -25.670466
     2   10.026400  342.558191   14.370116
     1   26.724300   27.917931   -1.204739
     0   28.095700    7.874576    0.057483
     2    1.558000   41.199378    1.966919
     2    1.812500 -132.285709   -6.257829
     2    2.401100  259.853040   11.881007
f-g  2    3.484600 -360.876636  -16.169407
     2    5.361800  376.673762   13.353713
     2    8.204100 -186.244192   -5.944917
     1   12.026800   56.038799    0.147722
     0   55.558000    4.220232   -0.013609
     2    2.261900   -0.945756   -0.012361
     2    5.612000  -14.016169   -0.124222
g    2   14.064900  -81.474892    0.264769
     2   40.926900 -158.272432    1.584973
     2  129.167900 -451.699333    3.810640
     1  447.189800  -54.985258    5.832189