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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Hafnium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

     0.2420			-1.7254
s    0.1922			 1.7780
     0.0436			 0.8178

     0.4389			-0.1134
p    0.1045			 0.5943
     0.03701			 0.5280

     0.8977	 0.3186
d    0.3516	 0.4465
     0.1413	 0.3454
     0.0550	 0.1228


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    0.627100   12.230643
     2    0.700300  -59.603244
     2    0.878500  156.655197
s-g  2    1.203900 -204.998655
     2    1.728600  187.900309
     2    2.402700  -82.801739
     1    4.020400   40.810141
     0   12.752300    6.656349
     2    0.426500   37.694380   -1.602277
     2    0.475300 -116.207065    2.058038
     2    0.579700  196.354229    4.610578
p-g  2    0.742700 -211.904039   -9.743882
     2    0.916200  113.471409    4.009694
     2    3.805100   47.261531   -3.096592
     1    8.300800   45.126886   -0.843222
     0   23.664100    5.778818   -0.103297
     2    0.257500   -0.244240   -0.018793
     2    0.567400   11.362399   -0.821900
     2    0.675300  -36.058373    3.081595
d-g  2    0.888000   65.088008   -5.888881
     2    1.210800  -97.138002    7.042202
     2    1.564300   75.798689   -3.330866
     1    6.028300   19.088708   -0.627557
     0    5.422900    8.357750    0.073194
     2    0.609500   -6.326029   -0.407088
     2    0.683800   12.383468    0.701966
     2    1.142700  -67.872564   -1.997893
f-g  2    1.237400   70.923479    1.718496
     2    4.849100   36.171590   -0.143541
     2   12.748000   96.396851    0.138417
     1   33.747100   28.853152   -0.072848
     0   33.603000    1.039634    0.003670
     2    0.561100   -0.631360   -0.019013
     2    1.355700   -7.105475    0.016966
f    2    3.525600  -24.147146   -0.072525
     2    9.665500  -85.580061    0.219673
     2   31.158100 -185.188068    0.079189
     1   91.571100  -47.484359    1.080426

Hafnium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 5p, 5d, and 6s subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

		(-2.9218)	(-0.2378)
     2.5550	  0.5122	  0.1849
     0.7010	 -1.3593	 -0.6562
s    0.4410	  0.0863	 -0.0193
     0.0936	 -0.1036	  0.5707
     0.0358	  0.0384	  0.5951

     2.6086	 -0.3415
     1.5141	  0.5158
p    0.6290	  0.6015
     0.2784	  0.2059
     0.09998	  0.0143

     0.8916	  0.3247
d    0.3470	  0.4476
     0.1392	  0.3416
     0.05467	  0.1195

     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    1.082100   -0.641588
     2    2.541300   55.416101
     2    3.233200 -176.052539
s-g  2    4.755200  396.818428
     2    7.483200 -353.616192
     2   12.023700  329.381032
     1   35.473900   27.301049
     0   30.758200    6.734417
     2    0.258400   -0.030511    0.000160
     2    1.896500    5.960799    0.379365
     2    3.198100 -116.546366  -12.071870
p-g  2    4.151200  354.661353   44.315102
     2    6.229600 -346.444534  -61.716461
     2    9.520000  286.489677   21.979653
     1   24.881400   42.986194   -3.801842
     0   47.123400    5.407174    0.065714
     2    0.256300   -0.019303   -0.000091
     2    1.747800   41.460351    1.054246
     2    2.025300 -123.717361   -4.221458
d-g  2    2.686700  228.983250   11.069539
     2    3.867600 -253.256074  -15.821586
     2    5.618100  217.219791    8.717397
     1   13.096900   27.251539   -0.581497
     0   18.432500    7.889877    0.037634
     2    0.752700  -29.214230   -1.243105
     2    0.830200   84.133173    3.070783
     2    0.987200 -109.435012   -2.971887
f-g  2    1.172000   63.543056    1.094963
     2    4.787000   34.683892    0.027057
     2   12.488900   94.543714    0.082488
     1   33.075100   33.173001   -0.040424
     0   73.499600    0.931626    0.002437
     2    0.777900   -0.336886   -0.006239
     2    2.201500   -5.754327   -0.088547
g    2    5.795700  -34.381751   -0.184290
     2   14.840700  -89.852893    0.826525
     2   52.101600 -248.742752   -0.078039
     1  162.343600  -44.912853    2.031369