Useful Commands

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Mathematically, how "arbitrarily close" a chosen value's representation is to the "true value" it is to represent. For example, 3 is a rather inaccurate representation of the mathematical constant π, while 3.14159 is a slightly more accurate representation (but no representation of π is perfectly accurate—it is transcendental). In a computing system, all integers can represent a subset of the natural numbers with perfect accuracy, but floating point values, while having a larger range, cannot accurately represent all natural numbers nor all real values within their range.
The mathematical, conceptual counterpart of a program. Strictly speaking, an algorithm is a Turing machine that may decide some problem (a decision problem) or compute some value (for a function problem), or, equivalently, a "program" for a Universal Turing machine, which is a fairly robust, general model for our stored-program computers.
A contiguous, ordered collection of values. It is a type of variable that contains the finite sequences (including empty sequences). In some languages, arrays have a size which is a property of their type, and which dictates how large the sequence is; in C and descendants, arrays start at index 0 and contain elements up to (but not including) their size.
Said of a job, indicates that the process is not using the terminal right now. A shell can have any number of background jobs, but may have at most one foreground job at any given time. If there are no foreground jobs, a prompt is usually displayed instead. See Job Control.
Base name
The component of a path at the very end, past the last slash (if there are no slashes, the whole path is the "base name"). For example, if a path names a file, then the base name is, conceptually, the file's "name" inside whatever directory it's in; that is to say, the base name of /home/username/dir/foo is simply foo.
Of a function, the part of it that actually contains statements and declarations, which describe what the function does. All functions have exactly one body.
The process of initially preparing something—for example, starting up an operating system after turning on a computer, or using a smaller, simpler compiler to compile a larger one. Often colloquially shortened to booting.
In various fields of engineering and science, a discrepancy or error which causes unintended or undefined behavior—for example, a program not compiling, or producing wrong results. (An apocryphal story states that the first "bug" was a moth caught in the relays of a very old computer in the presence of Grace Hopper—which indisputably did happen—but the word "bug" did apparently refer to "erroneous behavior" before this event.)
Eight bits, the smallest addressable unit of system memory in most architectures. Also known as an octet.
Of a function, to pass control flow into the body, and wait until that function returns. If and when it does, the value of the call (which is an expression) is the returned value from the function.
A single symbol, usually one to be displayed on a terminal. Letters, numbers, symbols, etc. are all characters. In the C Programming Language (and C++), a single character can be encoded in ' (single quotes). A sequence of multiple characters is a string.
See C Programming Language.
See C++ Programming Language.
Code Reuse
The "holy grail" of programming, the art of making programs that are general enough that they can be used elsewhere without significant changes and without loss of generality. Striving to find adequate balance of usability, comprehensability, and code reuse adequately describes most of the history of software engineering since its inception. It occurs naturally to programmers who realize thati, e.g., a function of theirs is useful enough to be used in another program without change. Large efforts are expended to make libraries of functions with well-defined semantics so that other programmers may easily use them, and these libraries are usually invoked with their header files in C.
An instruction from the user to a program that is understood to do something in particular. Most notably pronounced in terminal-based shells, but also a feature of other programs, like editors.
Changing a program from one form to another; usually, changing a program's source code (written and readable by humans) to the stored form readable and runnable by the system. A program which compiles is a compiler, and—yes—most compilers can compile themselves, sometimes with the help of bootstrapping.
Control Flow
In programming, said generically of things which alter the usual "line-by-line" execution of a program. In C and its many derivatives, for example, the if and while statements may cause control flow to move "around" a statement or statements. A function call causes control to temporarily move into the function's body before it returns.
C Programming Language
A programming language developed by Kernighan and Ritchie, popularized as the language of choice for development in Unix. It has stood the test of time for more than four decades now.
C++ Programming Language
A programming language that succeeded C and adds somewhat more comprehensive support for "objects" (object-oriented programming). While fairly popular, it has only just succeeded the C Programming Language in terms of number of projects using it, and is criticized for being slightly more bloated that C.
In C, a source line that informs the compiler of one or more variables of a certain type, or of a single function and its signature. A function may be declared exactly once with its body, but any number of prototypes may be used before and after its declaration. Declarations of variables are of the form type name, name2, name3, ...; where each name becomes a variable of the given type.
To remove the bugs from; correct, fix, make free of error. In programming, various tools are designed especially for this task, which are known as debuggers.
In C, a line starting with the pound sign (#) which is important to the preprocessor.
An object that contains other objects in a filesystem.
Domain Name
A human-readable name that translates to an IP address. Like paths, they consist of components; unlike paths, the separator is a dot (.). For example, is a domain name that translates to one of many different IP addresses.
A program used to edit files. Most common editors on Unix systems are text editors, which allow the user to type the contents of a file using the keyboard.
Said of a program that is running as a process; the term applies generally to its state or the commands issued to the system by the program. A program that is executed spawns a process and does some work for the user; a statement that is executed causes its effect upon the process while it runs.
In programming, some syntactic element that has a value that is apparent when it is evaluated. For example, 2 + 4 is a valid C expression, and it evaluates to 6. Similarly, the expression x * 3 + 5 evaluates to 14 when the value of x is 3. In C, expressions constitute most arithmetic (+ - * / %), logical (&& || !), binary (& | ^ ~), relational (== != > < >= <=), and pointer (unary & *) operations, as well as function calls.
Of paths, the part of the base name past the last dot (.), if any. For example, the extension of both /home/username/foo.txt and bar.txt is txt, but /home/username/foo has no extension, and the extension of bar.txt.bak is bak. Extensions are rarely important on Unix systems; their relative popularity is mostly due to DOS and Windows.
An object that contains some content with a known size, as stored in a filesystem.
A data structure, usually backed by some storage (like a hard disk) which holds objects.
Floating Point
Mathematically, a value in exponential notation. In a computing system, IEEE standards dictate how an arbitrary pattern of bits corresponds to an exponential value, but the basic components are a sign bit (whether the value is positive or negative), an exponent to which 2 is raised, and a mantissa that is multiplied with the resulting power. There are some special encodings for "exotic" values like ±∞ and "not a number" (for when an expression is invalid but no error is to be generated; e.g., division by zero, tan(π/4), etc.). In C, these types can represent a very large range of values—far larger than any integer type—but at the cost of lost accuracy.
Said of a job, indicates that the process is displaying to, and taking input from, the terminal right now. Contrast a background job. If there is no current foreground job, a prompt is usually displayed instead. See Job Control.
In programming, an executable unit that is called with parameters and that may or may not return a value. In some programming languages (based on the λ-calculus), this is the only unit of execution, but the control flow of C gives a programmer more practical and comprehensive options. Nonetheless, breaking a program down into functions based on its critical tasks promotes less bugs, better debugging, easier refactoring, and more code reuse.
In C, a file containing many function prototypes to instruct the compiler as to what functions are available from a library. They are typically incorporated with the #include preprocessor directive.
Home Directory
The initial working directory for processes started by a user. It is part of the user's account information.
A positive or negative natural number (including zero). Computer memory, conceptually consisting of a sequence of bits, naturally lends itself to referring to binary data as integers in base 2. An integer is said to be unsigned if it cannot represent negative values (it is then, somewhat confusingly, a natural number). As memory is finite, integers comes in various precisions. Unlike floating point numbers, they always retain perfect accuracy within their range, but cannot express fractional parts.
IP Address
A few bytes of information that uniquely identify a system on a network. In IPv4, these were 32-bit, and often written as four numbers separated with three dots; e.g., Newer IPv6 is 128-bit and has a far more complicated address syntax. Most, but not all, IP addresses are globally unique; in particular, LANs typically have "private" networks in which addresses are only unique within that LAN.
Doing repeatedly, multiple times; in mathematics and computer science, it is a characteristic of functions or programs which must do something repeatedly. In C, various control flow statements like while, do/while, and for serve to implement it.
A process, running under and managed by a shell which is said to be controlling it. Jobs may either be running in the foreground (that is, using the terminal) or background (running, but not using the terminal). See Job Control.
See code reuse.
An operating system designed to be compatible with Unix that grew out of a terminal emulator designed by Linus Torvalds.
A piece of source code text that the C preprocessor replaces with some other source code. They are declared with the #define directive.
Man Page
A technical document (often more than one page) distributed with a program, detailing its usage, results, bugs, authors, etc.. Usually accessed via man.
Precisely, either a file or directory, but sometimes (imprecisely) also a process.
Operating System
The part of a system which manages users, processes, objects, and the resources allocated to each.
An input value to a function. The types of parameters, and their order, are made apparent in the function's signature; in C, they can be seen in the parentheses after the function's name.
A name referring to an object. This may be specified absolutely (with a leading slash), as in /home/username/dir/foo (which is always unambiguous), or relatively, as in dir/foo if the current working directory is /home/username. A path consists of components separated by slashes ("/"); all but the last one should name a directory (the last may refer to anything, including possibly something that doesn't yet exist). The root path is simply /, and begins all absolute paths. The special component .. always refers to the parent directory ("up one level") and can be used in both relative and absolute paths (e.g., /home/user1/../user2/foo is the same as /home/user2/foo).
A standards document and community centered around creating and ensuring the interoperability of the many diverse Unix-derived operating systems in existence today.
Mathematically, the logarithm of the number of discrete values that can be represented as a finite datum (piece of data). For example, an integer which consists of 8 bits has an "8-bit precision" and can represent the values from -128 to 127 (-27 to 27-1, respectively; the 7 comes from 8 - 1), or 0 to 255 if unsigned (28-1). In C, the precision of an integer is part of its type, and the keywords short and long specify a reduced or increased precision, respectively. floating point values have two distinct precisions (float and double), though they can represent much larger ranges (around -2127 to 2127, but cannot do so without a loss of accuracy).
In C and many derived languages, an early part of the compiler which understands the preprocessor directives (which start a line with the pound sign, #) and does many simple text-based operations, such as macro substitution and the inclusion of headers.
A unit of execution in a running system. A process has state, some amount of memory, an allocation of processor time, an owning user, and resources loaned to it by the system. It generally exists to do useful work on the behalf of a user. Most processes result from the user specifying a program as a command in a shell, but there need not always be such a correlation.
A general name for an application, service, or other entity running on a system. In more precise usage, it refers to the file as stored, as opposed to the running process.
Programming Language
A format and grammar for entering source code, which a compiler can be said to understand or use.
Some text (usually including the user name, system name, working directory, and either $ or #) indicating that a running shell is ready to accept user commands.
In C, and of a function, a declaration of that function, but without its body, used to tell the compiler of the function's signature without defining what it does. Header files are usually replete with function prototypes that name functions provided by the system, like the methods of cin and cout.
Generally, to restore control flow to where it was previously; especially of functions, a special "return statement" causes this to happen, while simultaneously providing a "return value", if any—such a value is the "result" of the expression in which the function was called. The return type of a function is made apparent in its signature; in C, it precedes the name of the function.
A program used to execute commands on the behalf of a user, usually with the intent of running more programs to do useful work.
Information about a function that describes the types of parameters that it takes, as well as the return type. In C, this information is made available through a function prototype, as well as its definition—where the signatures must agree.
Source Code
The text, almost always directly or indirectly written by humans, that, when compiled, results in a runnable program.
In C and many other languages, a unit of execution. This includes all function calls, control flow, and expressions ended with a semicolon (;). While apparently similar, they are distinct from declarations, despite both ending with a semicolon (;), because they do declare (state the existence of) a variable.
A sequence of characters. In the C Programming Language (and C++), strings are written between two " (double quotes).
Related to the actual structure of a programming language, such as the punctuation used to separate names, the ways to enter numbers, whether or not to balance parentheses, etc.; errors in syntax are usually discriminated by the compiler, and are usually the first errors encountered by beginners. Compare bugs, which include "logic errors".
Precisely, a piece of hardware that displays characters in a regular grid, and directly accepts input from the keyboard to send to the system for processing. Modern computers have monitors and directly-connected keyboard instead, so one more properly uses a terminal emulator nowadays. Each terminal in use has a controlling program, which is usually a shell or whatever is running in that shell.
Jargon; of a practice, strictly forbidden in some older standard, while only tenuously allowed in some newer standard—especially in a way that is confusing or generally undesirable. For example, declaring an array with a non-literal size is absolutely forbidden in C, but, while allowed in C++, usually never does what you want it to anyway.
The "kind" of data stored in a variable or other location. In various languages (including C and C++), this instructs the compiler as to how to handle it—for example, a string is handled very differently from an integer.
An operating system created as a successor to MULTICS by Kernighan, Ritchie, and Thompson, notable for influencing several later systems, including BSD (and thenceforth Mac OS), HP/UX, Solaris, Linux, and many others.
Said of an integer when it cannot represent negative values. This allows an integer of a fixed precision to hold larger positive values at the expense of not representing negative ones. Care must be taken that values which "underflow" below zero will be read back as arbitrarily large integers.
An object which conceptually represents a person's (or, sometimes, a service's) identity as known by a system. It is associated with a unique identifier, a name, a password, a home directory, a shell, and some other information.
Of a variable, the data contained in the memory to which the variable refers. For example, if foo is set to the integer 3, then foo's value is 3 from then on (until it changes).
In a program (or, more accurately, its source code), a named piece of memory that has a type (known to the compiler) and a value (which is manipulated and used by the program when it runs, under most circumstances). All variables are "declared" or defined in some fashion.
Working Directory
The "current directory" in which a program (e.g., your shell, editor, etc.) does its "work". Generally, specifying a relative path in these programs will operate on the named object relative to this directory.

Important Keystrokes

Most shells understand these keys or key combinations specially, but note that some programs (like vim, emacs, ssh, etc.) that are long-running and immersive may handle them in other ways:

Ctrl + C
Interrupts the current process or shell command. Useful for returning to a prompt if a rogue program is running endlessly or uncontrollably, or if the shell is behaving oddly.
Ctrl + Z
Takes the foreground job and suspends it, putting it in the background. See Job Control.
Ctrl + D
Sends the "end of file" signal to the foreground process, or the shell if there is no foreground process (see Job Control). Most programs consider this to be the effective end of user interaction (that is, they will no longer expect commands), and so they will typically exit. In most shells, this is (nearly) equivalent to using exit explicitly.
When pressed in the middle of typing a word, "tab completes" a name; this is most frequently used to complete the names of long or otherwise obnoxious components of paths. For example, if the working directory contains objects named dir1, dir2, and file, typing just fi or even f and tapping Tab will cause the shell to type out the rest of file. Shells will only complete up to the next conflict, so typing d and pressing Tab will complete up to dir but omit the next "1" or "2". In some shells, tapping Tab at least twice will show you all the possible matches so far, allowing you to see what option you have to continue completing a name. Some very complex shells (notably bash) let other programs override their tab completion mechanisms, so as to provide completions for arguments which are not paths.


These commands are mostly concerned with using or manipulating directories:

Lists a directory's contents.
mkdir path
Creates a new, empty directory ("make directory") with the given path.
cd path
Instructs your shell to change working directory ("change directory") to the named path.


These commands manipulate and utilize files:

touch path
Creates a file at the given path, if it does not already exist.
cat path
Writes the file with the named path to your terminal. (Given more than one path, concatenates those files' contents in order.)
cp srcpath dstpath
Copies an object specified by the path srcpath to the path specified by dstpath. If dstpath names a directory, it is silently assumed that the real destination path will be inside that directory, retaining the same base name (e.g. copying /home/user/dir/foo to /home/user/bar, if /home/user/bar is already a directory, will implicitly copy to /home/user/bar/foo). After a successful copy, both srcpath and dstpath (possibly modifies, as described before) will name two different objects with the same contents.
mv srcpath dstpath
Moves an object specified by the path srcpath to the path specified by dstpath. Functionally, works just like cp (including intelligent handling of destination directories), except after the move, only dstpath will refer to the object, and srcpath will no longer exist. This can be used to rename objects.
rm path
Removes an object specified by the path given. This cannot easily be undone.


These programs are fairly ubiquitous text editors found on most Unixes that you'll find yourself working with:

vim path
Vim, the Vi-improved text editor (descended from vi, a visual editor, further from ex, the extended editor, and finally from ed, the standard editor) is a somewhat light and quite powerful text editor geared toward working on line-based text files (as most source code is written). Vim is modal, meaning that it is in one of many different "input modes" at any given time, which will cause it to react differently to keypresses. Vim starts in normal mode; to begin entering text, tap I to enter insert mode and begin entering text. To quit, tap Esc a few times (returning to normal mode), then tap Shift + ; (that is, colon: :) to get to a command line; type wq to save changes, or q! to discard your work, then tap Enter to end the program.
emacs path
Emacs ("extensible macros", because it was originally an extension from TECo, the tape editor and corrector) is another "editor" program developed by Richard Stallman as part of the GNU project, often cited as a direct competitor of Vim. It is a bit larger than Vim, but can also do quite a bit more than just edit text. Emacs is technically modal, but not quite as severely as Vim; for example, one can begin typing immediately into Emacs without worrying about switching modes. Most commands in Emacs are given by chording—pressing multiple keys at the same time. For example, to quit and save changes, press Ctrl + X, followed by Ctrl + C.
nano path
Nano (derived by the GNU project from Pico, another small program) is a very small and lightweight text editor reminiscent of Notepad on Windows. It has few functions (limited mostly to copying/cutting and pasting, finding text, and opening and closing files), but is extremely straightforward—just begin typing to edit the file. Nano commands rarely take more than one chord; for example, to exit, just press Ctrl + X, and it will ask you if you want to save changes on the way out.

Working Remotely

One nice thing about the terminal interface is that it is easily and quickly adapted to networks; in that vein, commands for working on remote machines—that is, across some network from you—are ingrained into most Unix derivatives. Please see the list of hosts for some systems that you can try to remote into; it is, of course, not an exhaustive list.

ssh user@host
Connects to, and begins a session on, another machine identified by host, which is usually either a domain name or an IP address. user is the username as which you would like to authenticate on that host. ssh is so named because it is the secure shell, and purports to prevent both eavesdropping and, as long as you've trusted that host at least once, man-in-the-middle attacks; so far, it's made good on that promise for over three decades. To end an ssh session, as with any other shell, use exit, or press Ctrl + D.
scp srcspec dstspec
Like cp, copies srcspec to dstspec, copying into directory by base name if either refers to a directory. Either of the arguments may be: It is indeed possible to copy from one remote machine to another remote machine this way. scp, unlike ssh, is not interactive (at least after asking for a password), and the shell will return to the local prompt after the copy is complete.
sftp user@host
Manages files on a remote machine interactively. The arguments are the same as for ssh, and, like it, this program is interactive, and will continue until you tell it to exit; however, instead of interacting with a shell, you are instead giving commands to something resembling the old ftp program; in particular, you can use get path to download a file, put path to upload a file, and cd path to change working directory on the remote machine. exit works as expected.
wget URL
Downloads a file give a URL, which usually looks like or—id est, these are the things you would type in to, say, your web browser's address bar. The file downloads to your working directory with the same name as the base name of the URL, possibly with a number appended for uniqueness.


These compilers are widely available, and indispensable for creating executable programs:

gcc path
The GNU C Compiler; expects one or more paths to files containing programs written in the C programming language; unless told otherwise, it will generate an executable called a.out in the working directory that is the result of compiling the program.
g++ path
The GNU C++ Compiler; expects one or more paths to files containing programs written in the C++ Programming Language; unless told otherwise, it will generate an executable program in the working directory with the same base name as the first argument, but with any extension and the associated dot removed, if any.
gdb executable
The GNU Debugger; expects a path to an executable program. It runs interactively, expecting commands from the user, much like the editors. The most important of them are:


As stated before, shells are a critical part of a user's interaction with a system; while one does not normally need to launch one explicitly, it is useful to know that, just like all other programs, they too can be located and run:

The "default shell"; located absolutely at /bin/sh, it is required by the POSIX standard. In most cases, it is just a link to another shell on the system.
The "Bourne-again shell", a de-facto standard for many Linux installations, insofar as sh usually refers to it. Unlike pure sh, bash supports various quite advanced features, including the advanced tab completion and powerful text processing, making it the shell of choice for very involved scripting.
The "Zed shell" is another serious attempt at a rather full-fledged, functional shell, focused more directly on ease of user interaction and extensibility instead of powerful commands for scripting. It remains popular in the BSD communities.

Job Control

Jobs are processes that are "owned by" (run from within) your shell; while one session with a shell can have an arbitrary number of background jobs, only one at a time can read from your keyboard—this is the singular foreground job, if any; otherwise, it is your shell. The foreground job can be paused with Ctrl + Z, which will return your shell to its prompt, allowing you to run another command while it is suspended. Additionally, the following commands are useful for manipulating jobs:

Background the job most recently suspended with Ctrl + Z; after running this, it is no longer suspended and will respond to other events (if it is programmed to do that), but it will no longer accept input from your keyboard until you foreground it again.
fg num
Foreground a job that is running in the background; the job can either be selected by its ID as shown by jobs, or, if num is omitted, the most recently backgrounded job will be foregrounded. That job will have full access to the keyboard again, until it is either suspended again, or terminates.
Writes to your terminal the currently running jobs.
Attempts to end the shell program. The first time you try this, if you have background jobs running, it will notify you of this fact; if you don't care, enter it once more, and it will end forcibly, killing any background jobs that are remaining.

Getting Help

Linux developers try to be developer-friendly, and this includes writing good, accurate documentation. Much of it is made to be simply accessible from the shell:

man topic
Loads and displays a "man page", a so called manual for the given topic. topic is usually the name of a program (such as any of the programs given in this file); most implementations of man will open up a "pager" and interact with you, allowing you to scroll and search through the documentation; tap Q to exit.
apropos phrase
Searches through the man pages for the given phrase, listing the topic names and summaries of matches it finds. The command is so called for finding the "apropos" command for a given topic; for example, it will quickly find cat given either write or concatenate as an argument.
command --help
If all else fails, if no man pages exist for a given program, or if you just want a quick summary, most commands listed here (even ones that don't normally accept arguments) support a special argument --help, which will give an abbreviated overview of their function and arguments.