HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 82-90
© 2004 Holon Academic Institute of Technology


Coulomb correlation effects in tunneling processes through localized impurity states

Petr I. Arseyev1,* and Natalia S. Maslova2

1P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia
2Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding author: ars@lpi.ru
Received 24 October 2003


Non-equilibrium Coulomb effects in resonant tunneling through deep impurity states are analyzed. It is shown that corrections to the tunneling vertex caused by the Coulomb potential result in a nontrivial behavior of tunneling characteristics and should be taken into account. One encounters effects similar to the Mahan edge singularities in the problem of X - ray absorption spectra in metals. The Coulomb vertex corrections lead to a smoothed power law singularity in current-voltage characteristics. The effect is well pronounced if tunneling rate from a deep impurity level to metallic tip is much larger than relaxation rate of non-equilibrium electron density at the localized state. This condition can be satisfied in experiments with a deep impurity state in the semiconductor gap.

PACS: 73.40.Gk


Presented at Russian-Israeli Conference Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics
Shoresh, Israel, 19-24 October 2003

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