  Academic Institute
  of Technology

  Journal of Science and Engineering 




On the problem of Zitterbewegung of the Dirac electron
Daniel Sepunaru
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 3, 411-435 (2004)
Quantum Hall electrodynamics: classical and relativistic aspects
Israel D. Vagner
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 3, 436-469 (2004)
Non-uniform two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field
Alexander Shik
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 3, 470-497 (2004)
Streamer propagation in magnetic field
Vladimir N. Zhuravlev, Tsofar Maniv, Israel D. Vagner, and Peter Wyder
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 3, 498-507 (2004)

