  Academic Institute
  of Technology

  Journal of Science and Engineering 


Bar-Ilan University

Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel


Lev Aizenberg, Department of Mathematics

Michael Belhdeb, Department of Mathematics

Valentin D. Freilikher, Department of Physics

Anatoly Golberg, Department of Mathematics

Igor Grossman, Department of Mathematics

Lior Klein, Department of Physics

Eugene Kogan, Department of Physics

Boris Ya. Shapiro, Department of Physics

Irina Shapiro, Department of Physics

Smadar Shatz, Department of Physics

Issai Shlimak, Jack and Pearl Resnick Institute of Advanced Technology, Department of Physics

Leonid Sirota, Department of Mathematics

Charles S. Tapiero, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Mina Teicher, Department of Mathematics

Irina Volinsky, Department of Mathematics

Nathan Wiser, Department of Physics