HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering C
Volume 4, Issues 1-2, pp. 109-127
© 2007 Holon Institute of Technology


Extrapolation of multi-dimensional Fourier signals

Lev Aizenberg, Igor Grossman*, and Irina Volinsky

Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
*Corresponding author: matrim1976@yahoo.com

Received 4 July 2004, accepted 5 March 2006


There is a well-known method of extrapolation of signals with the finite Fourier spectrum developed by Gershberg and Papoulis. Aizenberg introduced a method which uses the theory of Hardy spaces in complex analysis. In a recent publication, a new extrapolation method for one-dimensional signals was proposed. The method is based on combining the methods of Aizenberg and Gershberg-Papoulis and sometimes permits optimized calculations (after a certain regularization, if needed). This method was extended to both two-dimensional and three-dimensional signals.


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