HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering
Volume x, Issue x, pp. xxx-xxx
© 2006 Holon Institute of Technology


Comparative luminescent analysis of healthy and calcified arteries for catheter guidance in chronic total occlusion revascularization

Ludmila Bakueva1,5,*, Nigel Munce1,5, Lukasz Brzozowski1,5, Ivan Gorelikov1,5, John J. Graham2,5, Brian K. Courtney3,5, Stephen E. Fremes4, Graham A. Wright1,5, and John A. Rowlands1,5

1Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
2Department of Cardiology, University of Toronto
3Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
4Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, University of Toronto
5Imaging Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto M4N 3M5, Canada
*Corresponding author: bakueva@sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca

Received 24 April 2006, accepted 31 July 2006


The work is devoted to photoluminescence investigation of arterial walls in order to create a new navigation method for minimally invasive treatment of cardiovascular decease in the presence of chronic total occlusions. The comparative analysis of luminescent spectra for healthy and calcified arterial tissue was realized in two types of investigations: integral spectral measurements of the samples and spectroscopic imaging with a laser confocal microscope. In both cases qualitative features in spectra are revealed that could be used for discrimination between the arterial wall and chronic total occlusion. Further increase in sensitivity and reliability of the method was shown to be achieved by treating the sample by a solution of semiconductor nanocrystals with high luminescent efficiency.


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