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Michael Nieto Garcia

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences


       Autobiography in Black and Brown. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico Press, 2014.

        Translation of Djenar Maesa Ayu's They Say I'm a Monkey [Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet!]. Jakarta: Metafor, 2005. With "Introduction" by Michael Nieto Garcia. (They Say I'm a Monkey was shortlisted for Indonesia's prestigious Khatulistiwa Literary Award in 2003 [The Jakarta Post article]. A film adaptation by the same title debuted in 2007.)

Book Chapters

       "The Trans-Religious Ethics of Kingdom of Heaven." (View Pre-Pub) In The Culture and Philosophy of Ridley ScottEds. Adam Barkman, Ashley Barkman, Nancy Kang. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013. 61-72.    (Preview gBook)
        "Literary Nonfiction." In Teaching U.S. Latino/a Literature. (Routledge, Forthcoming).
        "Jorge Luis Borges's 'The Lottery of Babylon' as Allegory for the Criminal Justice System." In Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality. Eds. Mechthild Nagel and Seth N. Asumah. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2007. 125-135.


       "Latino Liberty and the Meaning of Security: On Prison Nations and Liberal States." JAST: Journal of American Studies of Turkey (Fall 2014). Forthcoming.
        "The Communally Derived Ethnic Self in Richard Rodriguez’s Hunger of Memory." a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 28.1 (Summer 2013): 64-85.   (View Pre-Pub)
        "The Inauthentic Ethnic: Richard Rodriguez’s Brown and Resisting Essentialist Narratives of Ethnic Identity." Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism 34.2 (Aug 2012): 129-150.    (View Pre-Pub)
        "Indonesian Publishing: New Freedoms, Old Worries, and Unfinished Democratic Reform." Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice 50.1 (Spring 2006): 184-91. (Also in Identifying with Freedom: Indonesia after Soeharto. Ed. Tony Day. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis Ser. 9. New York: Berghahn Books, 2007. 58-69.)    (Preview gBook)
        "The Indonesian Free Book Press." Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, No. 78 (October 2004): 121-145.    (View Article)
        "Social Space, Language, and Consciousness in Helena María Viramontes's Under the Feet of Jesus."  Humaniora: Jurnal Fakultas Ilmu Budaya.Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada, vol. 16, No. 1 (February 2004): 67-77.
        "Ethnic, Feminist, Universal?: Helena María Viramontes's Under the Feet of Jesus."  Phenomena: Journal of Language and Literature. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma, vol. 7, No. 3 (Feb. 2004): 125-134.

Encylopedia Essays
(and editor-reviewed journals)
"Richard Rodriguez." The Literary Encyclopedia. (London.).
"Helena María Viramontes." The Literary Encyclopedia. (London.). 

"Generation 98." Inside Indonesia 85 (January-March 2006): 28.
"More than Just Sex: Three Women Authors Take the Indonesian Literary World by Storm." Inside Indonesia 80 (October-December 2004): 26-27.


Papers Presented  (brief list)
        "Latino Prison Narratives and the task of Institutional Reform: a glimpse through the Prison Memoirs of Joe Loya and Jimmy Santiago Baca." National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) 41st annual conference (9-12 April 2014), Salt Lake City, UT, 11 April 2014. 
        "Immigrant Identity and the Battle to Topple Sex and Gender Dictatorships in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao." Modern Language Association (MLA) convention (3-6 Jan 2013), Boston, MA, 3 Jan 2013.
        "The Existential Ethnic Self of Richard Wright's Black Boy." 100 Years of Richard Wright conference. University of Utah, 2-5 April, 2009. 
        "Nabokov’s Index Puzzle: Exile and the Quest for Transcendence in Speak, Memory." Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) convention (15-18 Mar 2012), Rochester, NY, 15 Mar 2012.
         "American Individualism: an historical and intellectual history." International Seminar of Culture, Language, and Literature. Department of Literature, UNDIP (Universitas Diponegoro), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia), 6-7 October 2003.
         "Twelfth Night: Identity in Disguise." The Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, England, 30 June 2002.
         "Jorge Luis Borges's 'The Lottery of Babylon' as Allegory for the Criminal Justice System." Thinking About Prisons: Theory and Practice, conference at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Cortland, 26 October, 2001.
         "The Shakespeare Cross-dresser and Madrid Actress Dilemma: 1587-1613." Representations of Women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance conference. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 15 April, 1999.

Honors and Awards
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Arts and Humanities, Hamilton College, 2008-2010
Fulbright Fellowship, Universitas Gadjah Mada, (Faculty of Cultural Studies), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2003-2004
Provost's Fellowship, Cornell University, 2002-2003
Sage Fellowship, Cornell University, 2000-2001
Wilbur Gaffney Critical and Research Essays Expository Writing Award, University of Nebraska, 1999
Regent's Scholarship, University of Nebraska, 1995-1996

Courses Taught
Science Fiction, Clarkson University, Spring 2015
Latino Literature, Clarkson University, Spring 2014
American Literature II, Clarkson University, Spring 2014
American Short Story, Clarkson University, Spring 2011
The Sacred and Profane in American Literature (Clarkson Seminar), Clarkson University, Fall 2010  (Syllabus)
American Literature I, Clarkson University, Fall 2010  (Syllabus)
American Autobiography (Senior Seminar), Hamilton College, Spring 2010
American Literature of the Nineteenth Century, Hamilton College, Spring 2010
Ethnic Autobiography, Hamilton College, Spring 2009
Latino Literature, Hamilton College, Fall 2008
Major American Writers, TCU, Spring 2008  (Syllabus)
Literature and Civilizations II, (Honors), TCU, Spring 2008  (Syllabus)
Ethnic Literature: American Me, (Writing from Sources), TCU, Fall 2007  (Syllabus)
Western World Literature I, TCU, Fall 2007  (Syllabus)
Literature and Civilizations I, (Honors), TCU, Fall 2007  (Syllabus)
Melville, Hemingway, Wright and Other 'Manly' Male Authors, Cornell, Spring 2007.
Literary Nonfiction, (American Literature and Culture), Cornell, Spring 2006.
Shakespeare, Cornell, Fall 2001  (Syllabus)

Teaching and Research Interests
          Focus: Twentieth-Century American Literature, Ethnic Literature, Latino Literature, and Autobiography.
            With additional interests in: Literature and Philosophy, Prison Literature, Literary Nonfiction, Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Literary Science Fiction, Cognitive Studies, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Literary Criticism and Theory, Indonesian Literature, and Translation Studies.

Ph.D. Cornell University, American Literature, 2007
M.A. Cornell University, English Literature, 2003
B.A. University of Nebraska, Spanish Literature, 1999
Exchange Scholar, Universidad de Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 1997-1998

Contact Information
Michael Garcia        (Faculty Page)  (Clarkson Profile)
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

8 Clarkson Av, Box 5750
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699

Office: (315) 268-3992
Fax: (315) 268-3983


Curriculum Vitae