2021 Virtual Film Series @Clarkson

March 19-29 2021

Coded Bias and Picture A Scientist and more

Sponsored by the Clarkson Open Source Institute(COSI), Clarkson's NSF Advance Grant
and the Association for Computing Machinery's Technology Policy Council and Diversity and Inclusion Council

Celebrating Women's History Month

Spring 2021

Coded Bias Picture A Scientist

Thanks you to all who participated in these events in one way or another! We had a total of 656 people registered for these events from at least 13 countries - US, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy, UK, Colombia, Canada, Afghanistan, Australia, Poland, Nigeria, South Africa. If you participated from another country, we'd love to know and add that to the list. There were an additional 75 people signed up in Facebook and 304 people registered for the ACM Panel on March 29 2021.

We will continue to post recordings and other resources here as well as send email to registered participants as these materials are avaialble. Registration is closed, but you can check back here for more details or contact jnm@clarkson.edu for more information.

Coded Bias Flyer March 19-29 2021

Coded Bias Virtual Screening

Our virtual screening of Coded Bias has ended. It was originally March 19-March 22 and then was extended until March 29.

GOOD NEWS: Coded Bias now available on PBS: https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/films/coded-bias/ and is coming Monday, April 5 to Netflix (https://www.netflix.com/title/81328723)!

Watch it again and keep sharing widely with friends, family and colleagues!

Welcome Jeanna March 21 2021 Welcome, Thank you, Land Acknowledgement
Research Panel Screenshot March 21 2021

Panel Discussion: Clarkson Researchers Working on Issues of Bias in AI and Automated Decision Making

Thank you to those who attended Sunday March 21, 6 pm EDT.

With Yan Chen (Senior Computer Science Student and Researcher), Chris Mahoney (Junior Computer Science Student and Researcher), Izzi Grasso (Senior Data Science Student and Researcher, Rising PhD Student University of Washington), Abigail Matthews (Current Ph.D. Student and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member at UW Madison Department of Computer Science,Clarkson alumna), Esma Wali (Ph.D. Student and Researcher, Department of Computer Science), Will Smialek (Sophomore Computer Science Major and Researcher), Tom Middleton (Masters Student and Researcher, Department of Computer Science), Golshan Madraki (Assistant Professor, Reh School of Business), Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science)

Coded Bias Panelists Coded Bias Word Cloud March 22 2021

Come and discuss Coded Bias with us! Group discussion and small breakout sessions. We want to hear from you!

Thank you to those who attended Monday March 22, 6 pm EDT .

With Laura M Grabowski (Department Chair of Computer Science, SUNY Potsdam), Yetunde Folajimi (Associate Professor of Computer Science and Networking at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Founder Geek Girls Collaborative), Izzi Grasso (Senior Data Science Student and Researcher, Rising PhD Student University of Washington), Jackie Otala (Masters Student and Researcher, Engineering Science), Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science), Lisa Blank (Director of STEM Programs, Watertown City School District)

COSI Panelists COSI Where From Word Cloud March 24 2021

Discussion with the Clarkson Open Source Institute (COSI): Looking Back, Looking Forward

Thank you to those who attended Wednesday March 24, 6 pm EDT.

With Yan Chen (Senior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Member of the COSI), Chris Mahoney (Junior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Lab Director of the COSI), Abigail Matthews (Current Ph.D. Student and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member at UW Madison Department of Computer Science, Former COSI Lab Director, Clarkson alumna), Sophia Carlone (Freshman, Computer Science and Digital Arts Double Major, Member of the COSI), Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty Advisor and Co-Founder COSI)

Picture A Scientist March 26-29 2021

Picture A Scientist Virtual Screening (March 26- March 29)

Watch anytime between 6 pm EDT March 26 through 6 pm EDT March 29. Register to receive email with details of how to watch.

Now available on PBS/NOVA here: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/picture-a-scientist/

Change I Want Panel March 28 2021

Panel Discussion: Change I Want for My Daughter (Mother, Mentor, Mentee, Sister, Friend, Colleague, ..)

Thank you to those who attended Sunday March 28, 6 pm EDT.

With Abigail Matthews (Current Ph.D. Student and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member at UW Madison Department of Computer Science, Former COSI Lab Director, Clarkson alumna), Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science), Bria Cole, (Chief Inclusion Office, Clarkson Alumna, Rising PhD student Howard University), Patrice Cole (Chief Inclusion Office), Mahnoor Ali (Freshman, STEM student), Esma Wali (Ph.D. Student and Researcher, Department of Computer Science), Izzi Grasso (Senior Data Science Student and Researcher, Rising PhD Student University of Washington), Jennifer Knack (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology)

ACM Panel AD ACM Coded Bias Panelists March 29 2021

ACM Distinguished Panel: Designing Futures of Algorithmic Fairness: From Coded Bias to Algorithmic Fairness

Thank you to those who attended March 29, 2:30-4 PM EDT.

We will be joined by an amazing group of panelists including Professor Latanya Sweeney (Harvard; ACM TPC Member), the Honorable Bernice Donald (Federal Judge of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals), Dame Professor Wendy Hall (ACM and British Royal Society Fellow; Chair, Ada Lovelace Institute), and Professor Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Professor at the Institute for Experiential AI of Northeastern University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, and Universidad de Chile in Santiago). Moderated by Clarkson professor and ACM TPC member Jeanna Matthews.

Organized by Association for Computing Machinery's Technology Policy Council and Diversity and Inclusion Council .

Picture A Scientist Panelists Picture A Scientist Word Cloud March 29 2021

Come and discuss Picture A Scientist with us! Group discussion and small breakout sessions. We want to hear from you!

Thank you to those who attended Monday March 29, 6 pm EDT.

With Silvana Andreescu (Professor / Chair of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science / Egon Matijevic Endowed Chair / Associate Dean for Research for the School of Arts & Sciences), Ruth Baltus (Professor Emeritus of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering), Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science), Carolyne Shultes (Sophomore Chemical Engineering Major/Mathematics Minor, Society of Women Engineers Vice President)

March 31 2021

This is *not* our event, but we so want you all to watch that we will add a link here!!!

The African American Policy Forum and Algorithmic Justic League's Panel Coded Bias Talkback, Her Dream Deferred 2021 with Joy Buolamwini, Timnit Gebru, Tranae’ Moran, Cathy O’Neil, Ruha Benjamin, and moderator Kimberlé Crenshaw.

Don't miss this profoundly wise and important conversation! Thank you African American Policy Forum and Algorithmic Justic League!!
Donate to support the AAPF and their work.

Want to Learn More?

If you have just 9 minutes to watch, start here...

Coded Bias Trailer
Picture A Scientist Trailer
Ain't I A Woman?

Books... and some short summary videos

Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O'Neil: Book , 3 min video, 2016 Talk
Automating Inequality, Virginia Eubanks: Book , 2018 Interview
Uberland, Alex Rosenblat: Book , 4 min video, 2019 talk
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power , Shoshana Zuboff, Washington Post (Jan 2019)
Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Noble: Book , Search Engine Breakdown featuring Safiya Noble and Latanya Sweeney (20 min), 4 min video , 2016 talk , 2014 TED talk
Race After Technology, Ruha Benjamin: Book
Hello World, Being Human in the Age of Algorithms, Hannah Fry
Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Ruha Benjamin
Artificial Unintelligence , Meredith Broussard
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends, Nicole Perlroth

Clarkson Films

Inspire! Award Winning Documentary and Educational Videos featuring Trailblazing Women Engineers
By Clarkson's own professors Laura Ettinger (History) and filmmaker Zac Miller (Communication & Media)
Funded by the National Science Foundation

Trailblazers: The Untold Stories of Six Women Engineers , short documentary aimed at adults and older high school students of all interests and backgrounds. It tells the stories of six trailblazing women engineers as they share their experiences overcoming obstacles and paving the way for the next generation (19:18 minutes)

Inspire! is a collection of three educational videos with an accompanying discussion guide that will empower middle school and early high school girls to explore careers in STEM. All three videos are beneficial for young people regardless of gender identification.
Encourage! Leading Women Engineers Encourage the Next Generation (4:40 minutes)
Motivate! Motivational Messages from Accomplished Women Engineers (3:39 minutes)
Educate! What is an Engineer? Perspectives of Trailblazing Women Engineers (3:55 minutes)
Discussion guide for K-12 teachers, guidance counselors, Scout leaders, Robotics advisors, etc.

Other Films/Videos

Joy Buolamwini, Ain't I A Woman? 3 min spoken word poem , 2018 talk , Gender Shades Project
Search Engine Breakdown featuring Safiya Noble and Latanya Sweeney (20 min)
Ruha Benjamin, Are Robots Racist? (23 min)
Interview with Coded Bias director Shalini Kantayya from Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Technology
Without a Whisper A film by Katsitsionni Fox about the profound influence of Indigenous women on the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States.

Clarkson Research

Decoding Differences in DNA Forensic Software . Magic Grant Profile
Is Machine Learning Speaking My Language? Gender Bias and Under-Representation in Natural Language Processing Across Human Languages, Lecture Video (29 min) , Talk with introductions of some of our team
Applying Algorithmic Accountability Frameworks with Domain-specific Codes of Ethics: A Case Study in Ecosystem Forecasting for Shellfish Toxicity in the Gulf of Maine
Quantifying Gender Bias in Different Corpora
Patterns and Anti-Patterns, Principles and Pitfalls: Accountability and Transparency in AI
When Trusted Black Boxes Don't Agree: Incentivizing Iterative Improvement and Accountability in Critical Software Systems

Want to Help Spread the Word?

Sample Announcement Text
Flyer PDF , JPG
QR Code

Pointers to Local Support Resources

Student Health and Counseling Center: 315/268-6633, 1300 Educational Resource Ctr
24-hour Counseling Service [Accessible through Campus Safety]: 316/268-6666
Chief Inclusion Office:315-268-3785, diversity@clarkson.edu, 110 Student Union
Dean of Students Office: 315/268-6620, 1003G Price Hall
Human Resources: 315/268-6497, Graham Hall, clarksonhr@clarkson.edu
Clarkson Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
All available by Zoom as well


Yan Chen (Senior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Clarkson University, Honors Program Class of 2021, Member of the Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Chris Mahoney (Junior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Clarkson University, Lab Director of the Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Izzi Grasso (Senior Data Science Student and Researcher, Clarkson University, Rising PhD Student University of Washington)
Abigail Matthews (Current Ph.D. Student and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member at University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Computer Science, Former COSI Lab Director, Clarkson alumna)
Esma Wali (Ph.D. Student and Researcher, Department of Computer Science, Clarkson University)
Sarah Treptow (STEM LEAF Project Director, Clarkson University)
Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science, Clarkson University, ACM Technology Policy Council, IEEE AI Policy Committee, Faculty Advisor Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Paul Hyland (ACM US Technology Policy Council)
Lorraine Kisselburgh (Purdue University, ACM Technology Policy Council)

Supporting Organizations

ACM Technology Policy Council (TPC)
ACM Diversity and Inclusion Council
Clarkson's NSF ADVANCE Grant
Clarkson Open Source Institute (COSI)
Clarkson Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Questions or comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Please reach out to jnm@clarkson.edu and advance@clarkson.edu.