Programming Languages I (COP 4020).
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 10:15am in HEC 103.
Faraz Hussain.
354 Harris Center (Bldg. 116).
Tuesdays 10:30am-12:30pm, Wednesdays 10am-noon, and by appointment.
From the 2010-2011 UCF undergraduate catalog:
Paradigms and fundamental concepts of programming languages are presented, including: scope, binding, abstraction, encapsulation, typing etc. Design paradigms object-oriented, functional and logic programming are presented.
This is a 3-credit course offered by the EECS
department. We will use
the Oz language to accomplish the course goals.
As per the 2010-2011 UCF undergraduate catalog,
the formal prerequisites are: COP 3503C, COT 3960.
The final grade will give the following weightage to the evaluation components --
Exams: 70%, Homeworks: 30%. There is absolute grading in this course i.e. your grade does not depend on the performance of
Each homework problem is to be submitted separately via
Webcourses. You will be penalized only for the questions you submit late, not for the entire homework.
A penalty of 5% of the grade you attained for a given homework problem problem is added
per additional delay of up to 24 hours i.e. if you submit a problem up to 24 hours late, the penalty is 5%, if you submit
between 24 and 48 hours late, the penalty is 10% and so on (see table below). No homework problem more than 7 days late will be accepted.
Submission time | Penalty |
up to 24 hours (1 day) late | 5% |
up to 48 hours (2 days) late | 10% |
up to 72 hours (3 days) late | 20% |
up to 96 hours (4 days) late | 30% |
up to 120 hours (5 days) late | 50% |
up to 144 hours (6 days) late | 70% | up to 168 hours (7 days) late | 80% |
more than a week late | 100% |
This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the staff in advance,
if possible.
Concepts, Techniques,
and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi, MIT Press, 2004 (ISBN 0-262-22069-5).
7:00am-9:50am on Tuesday, 26th April, 2011 (full schedule).
Declarative computational model, declarative programming techniques, declarative concurrency,
message-passing concurrency. (This is subject to change, but no significant digression is likely.)
Please contact the instructor for assistance. From the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning website:
The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services, Ferrell Commons Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the professor.
Access to a computer lab or personal computer to be able to use the
Mozart/Oz system.
You are encouraged to
discuss class lectures, homeworks and other class components
with other students.
If you have more than casual discussions on any homework problem, you must include
a note
with that problem's solution such as "the following solution was developed after discussions with John Doe," or "the following idea is due to Jane Doe." Each person's final answer receives a grade independently of the other's; there is no
penalty for such a citation.
When discussing a problem with a friend, if you know the answer, please avoid simply "giving away" the critical idea
behind the solution; instead help him or her to be able to develop the solution by giving hints.
After discussing a problem with others, however, you must write down or code the solution yourself. Jointly working
on a final answer is not allowed.
someone else's work or providing your written answers to others is considered cheating.
Please also see the UCF Golden rule
and this pamphlet on plagiarism from the Office of Student Conduct.
Some of the syllabus content here, in particular the late homework policy and the note on academic honesty, has been adapted from the Fall 2010 offering of COP 4020 taught by Prof. Gary Leavens.