LF310 -- Greek Mythology -- Fall 2001

Returns or Nostoi and the Odyssey

Summary, from companion site to Classical Mythology.

Commentary, from companion site to Classical Mythology.

Summary, from companion site to Classical Mythology.

Commentary, from companion site to Classical Mythology.



1. Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Nestor.

2. Menelaus, Nestor, and Diomedes

3. Diomedes

4. Idomeneus

5. Philoctetes

Clearly these stories indicate and reflect the founding of Greek colonies in Italy from the eighth century onwards, about the time the epic cycles were composed


6. Neoptolemos

7. Odysseus

8. The Odyssey

9. Odysseus's adventures as he tells them to the Phaeacians:

Back to Ithaca:

10. The Death of Odysseus: