LF310 -- Greek Mythology -- Fall 2001

Euripides' Medea

Date: Around 431 BCE
Location: Athens

Before the play:

Euripides' play opens with Medea's knowledge that Jason will remarry. She expresses her feelings about his betrayal of her. Her 2 sons' nurse and tutor hear her as the play opens. The Chorus of Corinthian women comment on her words and actions. The nurse, tutor, Jason, and Creon all fear Medea. The nurse says that "The middle way, neither great nor mean, / Is best by far, in name and practice." Medea rehearses her past decision to leave her homeland and murder her brother. She promises revenge. Her speech on about the lot of women (one gathers in fifth-century Athens) is justly famous.

Things to consider about Medea: