Research Interests
Theory of computation, computational complexity, circuit
complexity, proof complexity, algebraic theory of automata.
- 1996-2005: Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide
à la Recherche (FCAR), Québec, Canada. Approche
algébrique dans l'étude du parallélisme et de la
complexitée du calcul. (Algebraic approach to the study of
parallelism and computational complexity.) With M. Beaudry, F. Lemieux (99-05), P. McKenzie, J. Mullins (96-99) and D. Thérien. $360,000.
- 1999-2003: National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S.A. Grant
CCR-9877150. Small-Depth Circuit Complexity and Relativized
Computation. With R. Beigel. $278,155.