CS345 / MA345 / CS541
Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Fall 2023
Assignment Policy

External sources. To maximize how much you learn by doing the assignments, you are not allowed to use any sources of help external to the course while doing your assignments. In other words, your only possible sources of help are the assigned reading, other students currently taking the class and me. No other books, websites, articles or people. One exception: tutors provided by the university.

Collaboration. Unless otherwise specified, assignments are to be done individually. If you are really stuck on something, you are encouraged to ask for help from other students in the class or from me. If you get help from another student, you should only accept enough help to get you going again.

Penalties for cheating. If you submit work that is not your own, you will get a grade of 0 on the assignment and this will be reported to the University's Academic Integrity Committee. In case of a repeat offense, the penalty will be a grade of F for the course.

Relative weight of assignments. Unless otherwise specified, all assignments have equal weight.

Deadlines. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments may be accepted but only if a good excuse is provided and if arrangements are made at a reasonable time, in advance, if possible.

Submission. Submit your assignments on Moodle as a single PDF file. You don't have to typeset your assignments; you can write them by hand and then scan them. Just make sure the scanned copy is legible.

Presentation. Your assignments should be neat. They should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. If you write your assignments by hand, make sure your writing is easy to read.