
About Us
The Launch Team
Current Projects & Goals
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Current Projects



The Rocketry Club is always working on something.  We are always purchasing new rockets, repairing old ones, or working on something for the club. 

Below you can see some of our members working on some rockets (building, painting, repairing).




We are also helping out with  two senior design projects!

Timothy Best is creating a helicopter designed auto rotation device.  If you want to learn more about his device, check out his website!

Timothy Best's Auto Rotation


Another is a self stabilized rocket using onboard trajectory adjusters (Co2 canisters) developed by Nathan Torkaman, Connor Cullinane, Matthew Kane, Elijah Kapas, and Dr. Kenneth Visser.

If you want to learn more about their project, check them out!

Self Stabilized Rocket



We have a few goals as a club which we'd like to complete this year:

Purchase and utilize an onboard video recorder to record live feed of our launches.

Purchase and utilize an altimeter to record real time data of things such as thrust, maximum altitude, velocity, and much more.

Use our Cammeroc (Rocket with film camera) to take aerial photos of Clarkson's Campus, and maybe more.






