AIAA January 18th mtg Minutes = Elections + Bylaws = * Bylaws will be put together some day * Elections should be held around the end of the Fall/start of Spring semester, following calendar year format ** This format precludes seniors from running for positions *** Secretary-in-training and Webmaster-in-training positions currently open ** Semester after holding position, act as an advisor/er to new position-holder = Website = * Jessica and Josh making progress; to display it next week = Display Case = * Neale has put together CAD for display case ** Provided two concepts: more modern and glassy, and more solid and wooden ** Specific designs to be discussed * Group took a trip to see display case location, attached ** Measurements taken, ideas to be compiled ** Fire safety code to be looked at to verify maximum size = AIAA Career Fair professional development series = * Wednesday, January 22nd ** Resume, elevator speech, etc. workshop hosted by Career Center staff and AIAA leadership ** Includes Q&A and peer review work * Wednesday night of the Career Fair ** Employer panel hosted by AIAA for all MAE students *** Some talking points put together by AIAA leadership and Career Center, e.g. good interview questions, applicable skills, industry outlooks *** Followed by Q&A * Events will be advertised campus-wide, on TVs, etc. = Drone Forum = * AIAA will spearhead formation of forum ** Bring in Flying Club leadership, UAV operations experts, etc. as key speakers ** AIAA will handle community outreach, booking, organization of panels in community/campus *** At Clarkson at 2PM on a Friday *** In town some time in the evening * Briefly discussed last meeting: town hall-type event about drones, UAVs, RC things ** To assuage fears of UAV/RC flying, inform people, fix misconceptions * Forms have been submitted to campus safety to clear flying club, etc. for RC flying * Table during daytime of event (or multiple preceding days) in Student Center forum where transient traffic can get boiled-down sheet of information on drones/UAVs ** Would be a good way to engage inactive members = Community Outreach = * Existing Mini-AE-212 lesson plans can be expanded upon for this semester's outreach ** Leadership can handle lessons if it is requested * Next week will include more discussion about outreach