HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 386-406
© 2004 Holon Academic Institute of Technology


Quasi-ergodic behavior for crossing diabatic potentials

Victor A. Benderskii1,2, Evgenii V. Vetoshkin1, and Efim I. Kats2,3,*

1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS,
Moscow Region, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia,
2Laue-Langevin Institute, Grenoble F-38042, France,
3L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow 119334, Russia
*Corresponding author: kats@ill.fr
Received 3 November 2003, accepted 4 March 2004


We investigate coherent and incoherent tunneling phenomena in crossing diabatic potentials (Landau - Zener (LZ) level crossing problem). We consider a model of two crossing parabolic diabatic potentials (left (L) and right (R)) with a constant adiabatic (i.e. independent of coordinates and difference of the diabatic potential minima dELR) coupling U12. As a result of coupling and level repulsing, we get the asymmetric double-well lower adiabatic potential with a variable shape depending on a continuous parameter b (which describes for b=1 two identical parabolic diabatic potential crossings and in the limit b→∞ one-well and linear diabatic potentials crossing). We show that the doublet structure of levels (generic for double-well potentials) is remained valid as long as the transition matrix element HLR (tunnel splitting) is smaller than the characteristic inter-level spacings DR (which, in turn, decreases upon dELR increasing). We calculate the non-adiabatic factor, HLR as a function of U12. In the diabatic limit (U12→∞) HLR goes to zero while in the adiabatic limit (U12→∞) the tunneling transitions do not depend on the upper potential. In the over-barrier energy region, HLR is an oscillating function of U12 due to resonances between the states in the lower and upper adiabatic potentials. In the case HLR < any level from the shallow L-well is coupled by tunneling to several levels in the R-well, and the transitions lose their coherence. The problem is not only of intellectual interest but also of relevance to various molecular systems undergoing conversion of electronic states or isomerization reactions. Our model exhausts all cases practically relevant for spectroscopy of non-rigid molecules, and can explain many of the experimentally observed features.

PACS: 05.45.-a, 72.10.-d


Presented at Russian-Israeli Conference Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics
Shoresh, Israel, 19-24 October 2003

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