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CSS and Blueprint

Most of the CSS I do is pretty ad hoc, which is what makes this so useful: the Blueprint CSS framework. Olav Frihagen Bjørkøy's set of stylesheets focuses on supporting grid layouts on web pages, based on an 50-pixel column. The framework supports objects across multiples of 18 pixels, so it's small enough to be flexible but large enough to be structural (in the design sense, not the coding sense). The 18-pixel typographic baseline also allows things like grid boxes for graphics and type that avoid the unevenness that simple table or CSS layouts often lead to.

Daring Fireball has an interview with Bjørkøy; Game Makker has already posted a (very) brief guide to using Blueprint.

[via Daring Fireball]


Thank you for the mention. Work on the blueprint framework is really taking off with a new release only a couple of days ago fixing many problems.

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