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Film, Animation, Design Works: Motionographer.com

Motionographer hosts short article and samples of work from creative design agencies:

Motionographer (pronounced like “oceanographer”) seeks to be a source of inspiration for filmmakers, animators and designers by sharing:

  • outstanding work from studios, freelancers and students
  • feature stories that give readers a closer look at influential studios and individuals
  • commentary that sparks discussion or introspection about the creative process miscellaneous items that Motionographer contributors find interesting

Very many very cool things there.

[via Cool Hunting]


sounds cool. thanks for posting. i've been toying w/ something like stop motion animation, a method i took up out of necessity (i did not have as much good footage as i'd liked, so i had to be inventive w/ what i had). i sort of hate effects, but old school stop motion is okay in some cases, i think. or maybe i'm being seduced just like every other filmmaker who finds ways of cheating it. yes, writing this is convincing me to go shoot more footage. thanks for this opportunity to work that out. still, i'll def check out this site. btw, i like the simple aesthetic of your little box.

I don't mind effects, but the trick is understanding how the effect functions rhetorically. There was a point, in the evolution of the web, when an animated gif of a spinning globe meant something (like technical ability, a rhetorical move that only works in certain contexts). But now it just means, "Welcome to 1994."

Eventually (or possibly already), animated gifs will be retro and hip, like 8-bit.

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