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On Comic Sans

Here's a movement I can fully support: earz magazine interviews someone from the "Ban Comic Sans" campaign.

[I]t's just not safe for unregulated public use. It should be handled like controlled substances or firearms, and should be used only by licensed professionals in very specific settings. Since we can't have it that way, I'm afraid it should be banned altogether. As an aside, I've actually used Comic Sans for web design appropriately in its intended context: http://www.gorillamart.com/gallery.html

The interview is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but there's also a core of truth to it. I'm all for the way that computers democratize design by allowing nearly anyone access to relatively high-powered design tools and typographic resources. Unfortunately, access to those things isn't often accompanied by learning about design techniques. And Comic Sans is the <blink> tag of modern typography.

[via Boing Boing]