Advanced Topics in Computer Security

CS 657

Spring 2023

General Information


Jeanna Matthews
Office: Science Center 389
Phone: 268-6288


I expect to discuss 1-3 papers per week. Each person should prepare a reaction for each paper before class, focused on answering the following questions:

First Half Questions For New Students

1) What is the primary lesson(s) you took away from this paper? 2) What do you think would be the most interesting way to extend this work? 3)If you had to list a criticism of this paper, what would it be? 4) Make a list of terms you don't know to research. 5) List the 3 references that you would be most interested in reading.

Second Half Questions

1) Technical details ( approach/technique) that you found novel/ Something specific you learned that you didn't know before 2)Could I have done this work if I had the idea why or why not? 3)Is there anything I could do to repeat or validate? 4) What is my best idea for follow on work that I could personally do? 5)What is my best idea for follow on work that I'd like to see the authors do? 6)Any logistical experimental lessons I learned? 7)How does this compare to the other papers we read? Most similar? How different? Other comparisons? 8)What is your biggest criticism of the paper? 9) List 3 cited references or terms/concepts that you would be most interested in reading/learning more about.




Participation in class discussions is an essential part of this class so attendance is required and the papers must be read prior to the class period.

Late Work

This is a small class and I expect to solicit group input when setting deadlines. Once set, I expect everyone to meet the deadlines.

Tentative Grading Scheme

Conferences To Follow