Name:                                                    Student ID:

Email instructor a text file that contains your answers. Use "EE261 Final" as subject of your email.

Ux represents Course Unit x.

Total: 20 points, 5 points for each of U1-U4.

1. Which of the following are NOT valid C++ identifiers? [1%, U1]

a. theDog
b. allInOne
c. all_in_one
d. 2morrow
e. page#
g. C++
h. i
i. _function
j. 100


2. Which of the following are literal constants? [1%, U1]

a. 's'
b. 256
c. "Hi, I am not a string literal..."
d. 015
e. 1024f
f. 3.1415926
g. "s"
h. "256"


3. EE261 Fall 2009 has x students, and y of them receive the letter grade A. Write an expression to calculate the percentage of A students. (Hint: for 33%, number 33 is the percentage) [1%, U1]

4. Write a function palindrome() to test whether a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward, such as madamImadam or poordanisinadroop. [2%, U1/U3]

5. Write a loop to sum up all numbers between 0 and a given upper bound alpha, inclusive, that are multiples of 5. For example, if alpha = 15, then the sum should be 30 (5+10+15). [1%, U2]

int main(){
  int alpha;

  cin >> alpha;

  if (alpha < 0){
     cout << "alpha cannot be negative. Quit." << endl;
     return 1;

  int sum;

  // add your loop here!

  // output
  cout << "The sum of all multiples of 5 between 0 and " << alpha << ", inclusive, is " << sum <<".\n";

  return 0;

6. The following code snippet is designed to count the number of ASCII characters contained in a text file named "".

1  int countChars (ifstream & file){
   int count = 0;
3     char c;
4     file.get( c );
5     while ( file )
8       ++count;
10     file.get( c );
11   }
12   return count;
15  int main (){
16    int numOfChars;
17    ifstream inFile;
19    int numOfChars = countChars(inFile);
20    cout << numOfChars << endl;
21    return 0;
22  }

The file "" contains the following content, where exactly one blank is used to separate each pair of words. There is NOT any newline character at the end of the file.

=======BEGIN of
To Be or Not to Be, This is the Question.
========END of

(1) What does the program output when run against the file ""? [1%, U3]

(2) List ALL the global variables, local variables, value parameters, reference parameters, and definitions and calls of user functions
that are defined within this code snippet. [2%, U3]

7. Write a function named smallestInteger, which takes a parameter bound of int type and yields the smallest integer k so that k*k*k >= bound. You are not allowed to use standard functions such as pow(). You can assume that bound is not negative. It is up to you to decide whether to use value parameters or reference parameters. [1%, U3]

8. List ALL the binary arithmetic expressions and logical expressions in the isLeapYear() function below. [2%, U2]

bool isLeapYear (int year) {
return year % 4 ==0 && year % 100 !=0 || year % 400 == 0;

9. An address manipulation program was discussed in class and its code can be found online here. The following questions can be answered based on this program.

(1) List ALL the data members of the class Address. [0.5%, U4]

(2) List ALL the function members of the class Address. [0.5%, U4]

(3) List ALL the constructors, accessors, and mutators of the class Address. [1%, U4]

(4) List two examples of function declarations. [0.5%, U4]

(5) List two examples of function definitions. [0.5%, U4]

(6) List one example for each of string literals, integral literals, and named constants. [1%, U1]

(7) List two examples for relational expressions, one example for compound logical expression, and one example for function calls that returns boolean. [2%, U2]

10. Write a function find(int a[], int size, int val) that returns the index of an element in array a that is equal to val, -1 if there is no such an element. [1%, U4]

11. Write a recursive function in C++ that returns the value of the mathematical function f(x) defined as follows [1%, U4]

 f(x) = f(x-2) x>=10
 f(x) = x+2, otherwise

What is the largest possible value for f(x)?