DANA M. BARRY, Ph.D. in Engineering from Osaka University, Japan
Ph.D. in Education / CPC
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CAMP Building, Clarkson University & Tutoring Center, SUNY Canton
Phone #: 315-386-4732
e-mail: dmbarry@clarkson.edu or danabarry526@gmail.com or barryd@canton.edu
- Permanent New York State Teacher Certification: Chemistry & the General
Sciences (1972)
- Certified Professional Chemist (CPC) - (National Certification Commission
sponsored by The American Institute of Chemists) certified (1989-1992),
recertified: (1992-1995), (1995-1998), (1998-2001), (2001-2004) and (2004
- 2009)
- Permanent Certification by NASA to borrow Lunar Rocks (1999)
International Committee Member & Co-Chair for the Smart Education Learning Environment Using Technology Session, for the 2024 KES International conference in Spain.
Presenter of my published paper titled Creating Virtual Worlds and Designing Games, at the International KES Conference in Spain, September 2024.
International Committee Member & Co-Chair for the Smart Education Learning Environment Using Technology Session, for the 2023 KES International conference in Greece.
Presenter of my published paper titled Creative Teaching Using Hybrid E-learning and Virtual Reality, at the International KES Conference in Greece, September 2023.
Invited Guest Speaker at Oyama College in Japan. Dr. Barry's talk about Research for Women in Japan was live streamed to 51 KOSEN Colleges in Japan (Feb. 28, 2023).
Guest Speaker at the National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) Suzuka College for a talk titled Activities for Creative Education (Feb. 24, 2023).
Invited Guest Speaker at the First International KRIS Conference held in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Barry's talk was called Viral Behaviors on Materials' Surfaces (March 1, 2023).
PRESENTER: ACS Spring 2023 Meeting. Presentation Title: POLY 3821871: Material Factors Influencing Biofilm Formation Behavior and Differences in Polymeric Materials Using Biofilm
Reactors for Flow Experiments (2023).
Invited Lecturer in late September 2021 for the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College in Japan. Dr. Barry promoted the North Country and Research for Women
in Japan.
Invited Speaker for the 25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems on September 9, 2021 in Szczecin, Poland.
Dr. Barry talked about Technologies for Teaching during a Pandemic.
Invited Speaker for Interfinish2020 World Congress on September 7, 2021 in Nagoya, Japan. Dr. Barry gave a talk about Biofilm Problems in Households and Food Processing Industries.
Invited Keynote Speaker for KES International Conference in Budapest, Hungary (September 2019): Keynote Talk, "STEM and ICT Education in Intelligent Environments"
Chair for session "Active Learning Using ICT for Smart Education," at the KES International Conference in Budapest, Hungary (September 2019).
At this session, Dr. Barry gave a presentation "STEM Activities for Exploring Mars Using Innovative E-learning."
Visiting Professor in Japan (June 2019): Presented the lecture "Life in Northern New York State & Its Universities," to the National Institute of Technology
at Suzuka College and at Toba College. Also presented the lecture "STEM Education Using Information Communication Technology (ICT) at Nagoya University.
The trip was sponsored by Iketani Science and Tecnology Foundation.
INVITED SPEAKER, University of Belgrade, Serbia (September 2018). Talk titled: Science Communication
Invited Speaker, KES International Conference in Belgrade, Serbia (September 2018). This talk by Dr. Barry was
called Virtual Workshop for Creative Teaching of STEM Courses. It is based on her paper published by Elsevier.
SPECIAL SPEAKER, University of Marseille, France (September 2017). The talk by Dr. Barry was called
Virtual STEM Activity for Renewable Energy and is based on her paper published by Elsevier.
VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan (June 2016). Presented STEM, Engineering
Design, etc. Lectures and Workshops at Osaka University, Suzuka
University, the National Institute of Technology at Toba College, and at
the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College
RESEARCH PROFESSOR, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Clarkson University (2015-)
RESEARCH PROFESSOR, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering, Clarkson University (2014-2016)
VISITING PROFESSOR, National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College,
Japan (August/September 2014)
Presented Enjoyable Science Workshops to 160 students & their parents
at the National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Japan (August 30
& 31, 2014)
SPECIAL SPEAKER, University of Maribor, Slovenia (March
2014) Scientific Board President Professor Dana Barry (for Ansted
University) delivered the Welcoming Address at the ASRIA Award ceremony
held in conjunction with IRDO's 9th International Conference, at the
University of Maribor in Slovenia (March 7, 2014)
VISITING PROFESSOR, Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
(September 2013)
Presented Lectures in Japan about Successful Entrepreneurship and
Promoting Creative Engineering Education at Osaka University, a Workshop about
Creative Chemistry for students at Mikunigaoka High School, a lecture
about a Core Curriculum Model for Engineering Education at Suzuka National
College of Technology, and presented her paper published by Elsevier at
KES 2013: the 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and
Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems held in Kitakyushu, Japan
(September 2013).
ACS (American Chemical Society)Chemistry
VISITING PROFESSOR, Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (May
Presented Lectures about Creativity and Entrepreneur Education at
Suzuka National College of Technology and Gifu National College of
Technology, Japan (May 2012)
Presented the paper Problem Based Learning for US and Japan Students
in a Virtual Environment (authored by D. M. Barry et al. and published by
Springer 2012) at the 5th KES International Conference on Intelligent
Multimedia Systems and Services held in Gifu, Japan (May 23-25, 2012)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER,(Topic: Creative Education and Creative Engineering
Design), Xiamen International Convention
Center, Xiamen, China (September 25, 2011)
VISITING PROFESSOR and PRESENTER at First International Conference on
Protect the Earth and Ocean, Xiamen Ocean Vocational College, Xiamen,
China (September 26, 2011)
A Founding Member of the Declaration for The World Thinkers' Panel on
the Sustainable Future of Humankind (WTP-SFH), Xiamen International
Convention Center, Xiamen, China (September 25, 2011)
PROGRAM FOR LIBRARIES (in St. Lawrence, Lewis, Jefferson, and Oswego
Counties) for Head Start staff and early education programs. It was made
possible by a Family Literacy grant from the NYSED Division of Library
Development (2010-2011).
FEATURED SPEAKER: Dr. Barry (author of science education books for
teachers, children, and parents) used her knowledge of science for
preschoolers to lead many workshops in four counties (St. Lawrence, Lewis,
Jefferson, and Oswego). She was a featured speaker at the Early Childhood
Conference held at SUNY Canton. The Workshop was titled Science,
Literacy, and Libraries (August 2010).
VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan for Suzuka National College of Technology
(September / October 2010)
PRESENTER of Invited Lectures at Osaka University, Japan. The talks
were sponsored by the Global Center of Excellence for Advanced Structural and
Functional Materials Design program in the Graduate School of Engineering
(March 2010)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER,(Topic: Turning Children of all Ages onto Science),
Suzuka City Hall in Suzuka City, Japan (June 2008)
VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan for Suzuka National College of Technology
(June 2008)
VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia for Ansted University (December 2007)
PRESIDENT of Ansted University's Scientific Board, British Virgin Islands,
U.K. (July 2003 - present)
VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
(November 2005)
VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia (November 2004)
VISITING PROFESSOR - England (September 2003)
VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (August
COORDINATOR for National Chemistry Week (American Chemical Society)
for over 10 years
COORDINATOR for Earth Day (American Chemical Society) about 10 years
VISITING PROFESSOR for Ansted University (March 2001)
(2000 - present)
INSTRUCTOR for graduate course in Elementary Science Methods at Potsdam
College - Fall Semester 2003
INSTRUCTOR for Horizon Program at Clarkson University, 2002 - 2005
EDITOR & SENIOR TECHNICAL WRITER for Clarkson's Center for Advanced
Materials Processing (CAMP) 1993 - present
PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for Clarkson's REU (Research Experience for
Undergraduates) Program 1998-1999
PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for the Clarkson Space Grant Program 1993-1999
EDITOR for Clarkson's space magazine PARALLAX 1993-1999
- Coeditor with H. Kanematsu for a new book titled Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering. It is published by Springer Nature
Singapore (2022).
- Coauthor for accepted manuscript in the high impact publication called International Materials Reviews, which has an impact factor of 20.
Article Info: (Kanematsu, Hideyuki, Barry, Dana M., Ikegai, Hajime, and Mizunoe, Yoshimitsu, "Biofilm Control on Metallic Materials in
Medical Fields from the Viewpoint of Materials Science - from the Fundamental Aspects to Evaluation," (2022).
- Coauthor of a new book with H. Kanematsu titled Formation and Control of Biofilm in Various Environments published
by Springer Nature Singapore in 2020.
- Co-Editor / author of book by H. Kanematsu and D. Barry, "Corrosion
Control and Surface Finishing: Using Environmentally Friendly Approaches,"
published by Springer Japan (2016). Book listed as Best Reference in the World in 2018.
- Coauthor of book by H. Kanematsu and D. Barry,
"STEM and ICT Education in Intelligent Environments, " published by Springer
(2016). Book listed as Best Reference in the World in 2018.
- Co-Editor / author of book by H. Kanematsu and D. Barry, "Biofilm and
Materials Science," published by Springer (2015). Book listed as Best Reference in the World in 2018.
- Editor of book by Dr. Timi Ecimovic and Dr. Roger Haw, "Nature 2015
(Anthology 3): The Digital Multilingual Scientific Book," published by
Mestna Knjiznica Izola, Slovenia, EU: ISBN 978-961-92378-8-5 (pdf), (2015)
- Co-Author of Book Chapter by Barry and
Kanematsu, International
Collaboration: Creative Engineering Design Program between the US and
Japan, in the book "Innovations 2010," a publication of the International
Network for Engineering Education and Research (2010).
- Author of the inspirational book titled "The Power of Prayer: A
Science Educator's Experience" published by Strategic Book Publishing
- Co-Author of the book titled "Science Fair Fun in Japan" (second
edition) published by Gendai Tosho of Japan (2009).
- Co-Author of the new book titled "Plan, Develop, Display, Present
Science Projects," published by Teacher Created Resources (2008).
- Co-Author of the new audio book titled "Develop Critical Thinking
Skills, Solve a Mystery, Learn Science," published by Tate Publishing
- Co-Author of the new book titled "Develop Critical Thinking Skills,
Solve a Mystery, Learn Science," published by Tate Publishing (2007)
- Co-Author of the Japanese Edition of "Develop Critical Thinking
Skills, Solve a Mystery, Learn Science,"
published by Pleiades Publishing in Osaka, Japan (2007)
- Co-Author of the book titled "Science Fair Fun in Japan"
published by Gendai Tosho, Japan (2005)
- Author of the book titled "Science Fair Projects," published by
Teacher Created Materials, Inc.(2000)
- Gave presentations/workshops at the ASRIA Award Ceremony and at
the Chung Hwa Confucian Secondary School in Penang, Malaysia (December
- Presented the following paper, which was also published, at the
ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference in Milwaukee, WI: Workshops in
Creative Education for Students and Teachers in the United States and Japan by
Dana Barry and Hideyuki Kanematsu (October 2007)
- Presented the seminars "Creative Education" and "Science Fair
Education Project for Students in Japan," at Suzuka National College of
Technology, Japan (November 2005)
- Presented the paper "Corporate Social Responsibility and
the Environment" at the International Conference in Penang, Malaysia (November
- Oral Presentation "International MarsLink Mission" at the International
Global Learn Day Conference - on line (November 16, 2003)
- Presented a paper at the International Conference on "Corporate Social
Responsibility" at London Metropolitan University in London, England (September
- Published Journal papers about an International Chemical Sensation Project
in collaboration with Professors Hideyuki Kanematsu, Hiroshi Shimofuruya, and
Tatsumasa Kobayashi of Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
- Hands on science books for children in grades K - 9
- Science activity guides & kits
- Chemistry entries in Gale Encyclopedia of Science (1995)
- Feature articles in national & international journals
- Author/Composer of music cassette Chemical Sensation (1996).
- Script Writer, Host, & Coproducer of TV Series Sensational Science
- Received the Leon LeBeau Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions to the SOAR Organization (November 2024)
- Honored and nominated by the Academic Union of Oxford, UK, to receive the special title (The name in Science) and a personal medal.
This award is given to the most respected personalities in the fields of science, technology, and innovations (November 2021)
- Received Outstanding Achievement Award for work with Biofilms from the Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J), at the end of 2019
- My name is on the NASA spacecraft OSIRIS-Rex, which is expected to arrive at the asteroid Bennu in 2020.
- I received an Award Certificate for my excellent Keynote Talk at the KES International Conference in Budapest, Hungary ( September 2019)
- My name is on the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2, the first one in the world to land on an asteroid (Ryugu), 2018.
- Nominated Woman of the Year 2018. IBC (2018)
- Included in Dictionary of International Biography - 39th Edition, IBC (2018)
- Received Marquis Who's Who 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Professional Dedication & Contributions
- Presented 2017 Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award by the American Chemical Society for Outstanding Contributions to
its Northern New York Section
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2016 (33rd
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in America 2016 (70th
- Selected for inclusion in the Dictionary of International Biography,
Cambridge, England (2016)
- Winner of 21st Consecutive APEX Award for Publication Excellence 2016
- Winner of 20th Consecutive APEX Award for Publication Excellence 2015
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2015 (32nd
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in America 2015 (69th Edition)
- Selected for inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st
Century - 9th Edition by IBC, Great Britain (2015)
- Selected for inclusion in Dictionary of International Biography -
38th Edition by IBC, Great Britain (2015)
- Winner of 19th Consecutive APEX Award for Publication Excellence 2014
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2014 (31st
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in America 2014 (68th
- Selected for inclusion in the Dictionary of International Biography
- 37th Edition by IBC in Cambridge, England (2014)
- Selected for inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st
Century -8th Edition (2014)
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2013 (30th
Pearl Anniversary Edition)
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in America 2013 (67th
- Winner of 18th Consecutive APEX AWARD for Publication Excellence
- Selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2012 (29th
- Winner of 17th Consecutive APEX AWARD for Publication Excellence
- Earned Ph.D. in Engineering from Osaka University in Japan (March
- Selected for inclusion in the Tenth Anniversary Edition of the
International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women by the A.B.I.
- Selected for inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st
Century -7th Edition (2011)
- Selected for Inclusion in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2011
- Included in World Who's Who of Women by the I.B.C. (2011)
- Nominated to receive the Albert Einstein Award of Excellence by the
- Winner of 16th Consecutive APEX AWARD for Publication Excellence
- A Conference Organizer, Organizer of the K-12 Education Symposium,and
an Invited Speaker for NERM (Northeast Regional Meeting of the American
Chemical Society), held at SUNY Potsdam in Potsdam, NY (June 2010)
- Selected for inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st
Century (2010)
- Included in World Who's Who of Women - 15th Edition by I.B.C. (2009)
- Named a Member of the IBC TOP 100 EDUCATORS (2009)
- Selected to receive The International President's Award for Iconic
Achievement by the I.B.C. (2009)
- Selected for inclusion in A.B.I.'s International Profiles of
Accomplished Leaders (2009)
- Premiere Who's Who (2009)
- Participant of NASA's Kepler Mission (2009)
- Participant of NASA's Glory Mission (2009)
- Selected for inclusion in the 10th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in
Science and Engineering (2008 - 2009)
- Keynote Speaker for Suzuka City's Education Symposium, Japan (June
- Selected by the ABI for inclusion in the publication: 500 Greatest
Geniuses of the 21st Century (2008)
- Named one of the Leading Educators of the World by the I.B.C. (2008)
- Participated in NASA's Engineering Design Challenge: Lunar Plant
Growth Chamber (2008)
- Nominated as International Professional of the Year by the I.B.C. in
England (2008)
- Nominated to be a member of the Leading Intellectuals of the World by
the A.B.I. (2008)
- Nominated as International Educator of the Year by I.B.C. (2008)
- Selected Woman of the Year in Education by the A.B.I. (2008)
- Nominated for the Distinguished Service to Humankind Award by the
I.B.C. in England (2008)
- Biography selected for inclusion in Great Minds of the 21st Century
by the A.B.I. (2008)
- Biography selected for inclusion in the International Directory of
Experts and Expertise by the A.B.I. (2008)
- Appointed as a Founding Member of the International Women's Review
Board by the the A.B.I. (2008)
- Selected for inclusion in the Fifth Edition of 2000 Outstanding
Intellectuals of the 21st Century by the I.B.C. (2008)
- Selected for inclusion in the Thirty-Fourth Edition of the Dictionary
of International Biography by the I.B.C. (2008)
- Nominated a Candidate for a Master Diploma, with Honors, from the
World Academy of Letters (2008)
- Has an honorary appointment as a Founding Member (with distinguished
standing) to the International Women's Review Board by the A.B.I. (2008)
- Participant of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission (2008)
- Selected for inclusion in the International Who's Who of Professional
& Business Women: Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Edition by the A.B.I.
- Recipient of the American Chemical Society Award for excellent
Contributions to the National Chemistry Week Program (December 2007)
- Selected for inclusion in 8th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in
American Education (2007 - 2008)
- My International Program in Creative Education with Dr. Kanematsu of
Japan received Second Place for the American Chemical Society's
ChemLuminary Award in Public Relations (2007)
- Nominated for the Woman of Achievement Award by the A.B.I. (2007)
- Nominated to receive the Gold Medal for the United States by the
A.B.I. (2007)
- Biography is included in the International Profiles of Accomplished
Leaders by the A.B.I. (2007)
- Biography is included in the book Contemporary Authors by the Gale
Reference Team (December 2007)
- Selected for inclusion in 7th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in
American Education (2006 - 2007)
- Selected for inclusion in 25th Edition of Marquis Who's Who of
American Women (2006-2007)
- Selected for inclusion in the 9th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in
Science and Engineering (2006-2007)
- Nominated Woman of the Year by ABI (2005)
- Selected for inclusion in the 2nd Edition of "Distinguished and
Admirable Achievers," published in India (2005)
- Nominated to receive International Peace Prize (United Cultural
Convention, U.S) 2005
- Nominated a Leading Educator of the World - 2005 (I.B.C., England)
- Ansted Foundation Award (Penang, Malaysia) 2004
- Presented "Welcoming Address" & "Vote of Thanks" at Second
International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (Penang,
Malaysia) 2004
- Co-Editor of World Book on Social Responsibility (published in
Malaysia) 2004
- Dr. Barry's Chemical Sensation Project received a National Award
(ChemLuminary Award) from the American Chemical Society - 2004
- Dr. Barry's World First MarsLink Space Mission Program received a
National Award (a ChemPower Certificate of Excellence) from the American
Chemical Society - 2004
- Nominated Einsteinian Chair of Science - World
Academy of Letters (2004)
- Nominated International Educator of the Year 2004 - International
Biographical Centre in England (2004)
- Ten Year Service Award from the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Science Fair
Committee - 2004
- Presented "Welcoming Speech" and awards / honorary degrees at Ansted
University's Convocation/Graduation Ceremony, London Metropolitan University in
London, England (September 6, 2003)
- Five Year Service Award from the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Science Fair
Committee - 2003
- Listed in the outstanding reference "Something About the Author" (Gale
Group -MI)July 2003
- Received Certificate of Participation in the Mars Exploration Rover 2003
- My Letter of encouragement was read at the American Cultural Center in
Africa by the President of the Cameroon Ozone Club on World Ozone Day
(September 16, 2002)
- Dictionary of International Biography - 30th Anniversary Edition (I.B.C.)
- One Thousand Great Scientists - (I.B.C.) 2002
- One Thousand Great Scholars - first edition (I.B.C.) 2002
- Outstanding Achievement Award -(NNY Section, American Chemical Society)
- One Thousand Great Americans - 2002
- International Who's Who of the Professional & Business Women - 2002
- Great Minds of the 21st Century (2002)
- International Scientist of the Year 2001 (2002)
- 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2001-2002)
- Who's Who in the 21st Century (2001-2002)
- Listed in "Biography Today" in India (2001)
- International Medal for Scientific Excellence (2001)
- Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy, Science Education - Ansted University,
Malaysia (2001)
- The Twentieth Century Award For Achievement (2000)
- Outstanding People of the 20th Century (2000)
- 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century (2000)
- Dictionary of International Biography - 28th & 29th Eds. (2000 & 2001)
- International Woman of the Year 1999/2000
- APEX Award for Publication Excellence (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016)
- Organizer of the Science Education Symposium, NERM at Clarkson
University (1999)
- Organized the World's First Moonlink Mission - educational component to
NASA's Lunar Prospector Mission (1998)
- Organized the World's First NEARLink Mission - educational component to
NASA's NEAR Mission (1998)
- Organized the World's First MarsLink Mission - educational component to
NASA's Global Surveyor Mission (2000). See
- Member of The American Institute of Chemists Editorial Review Board
- Honorary Member of the Cameroon Ozone Club, Africa
- American Chemical Society (ACS), Secretary of the Northern New York Section (1994- present)
- American Institute of Chemists (AIC)
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Member of the Planetary Society
About 400 academic publications including 20 books, over 33 book
chapters, science encyclopedia entries, many peer-reviewed
journal features, scripts for aired television shows, music CDs, and more.
This work is published in various Countries including the United States,
Japan, England, Australia, Malaysia, China, and India.
Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry by Springer 2025
Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering by Springer 2022
Dr.Dana Barry's Marquis Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award 2017
New Book by Springer Nature called Formation and Control of Biofilm In Various Environments (2020)
Materials Journal Article Titled Rotation Disk Process to Assess the
Influence of Metals and Voltage on the Growth of Biofilm and Published
July 2016
Publication for2018 Serbia Project
REVIEWER of journal manuscripts.
PRESENTER of papers & workshops (including hands on science
demonstrations and activities) at local, state, national, and
international conventions.
Dr. Dana Barry's Space Mission
Clarkson University
About CAMP