DANA M. BARRY, Ph.D. in Engineering from Osaka University, Japan

  • Ph.D. in Education / CPC Marquis Who's 
Who Biographee


    Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CAMP Building, Clarkson University & Tutoring Center, SUNY Canton
    Phone #: 315-386-4732
    e-mail: dmbarry@clarkson.edu or danabarry526@gmail.com or barryd@canton.edu



  • International Committee Member & Co-Chair for the Smart Education Learning Environment Using Technology Session, for the 2024 KES International conference in Spain.
  • Presenter of my published paper titled Creating Virtual Worlds and Designing Games, at the International KES Conference in Spain, September 2024.
  • International Committee Member & Co-Chair for the Smart Education Learning Environment Using Technology Session, for the 2023 KES International conference in Greece.
  • Presenter of my published paper titled Creative Teaching Using Hybrid E-learning and Virtual Reality, at the International KES Conference in Greece, September 2023.
  • Invited Guest Speaker at Oyama College in Japan. Dr. Barry's talk about Research for Women in Japan was live streamed to 51 KOSEN Colleges in Japan (Feb. 28, 2023).
  • Guest Speaker at the National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) Suzuka College for a talk titled Activities for Creative Education (Feb. 24, 2023).
  • Invited Guest Speaker at the First International KRIS Conference held in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Barry's talk was called Viral Behaviors on Materials' Surfaces (March 1, 2023).
  • PRESENTER: ACS Spring 2023 Meeting. Presentation Title: POLY 3821871: Material Factors Influencing Biofilm Formation Behavior and Differences in Polymeric Materials Using Biofilm Reactors for Flow Experiments (2023).
  • Invited Lecturer in late September 2021 for the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College in Japan. Dr. Barry promoted the North Country and Research for Women in Japan.
  • Invited Speaker for the 25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems on September 9, 2021 in Szczecin, Poland. Dr. Barry talked about Technologies for Teaching during a Pandemic.
  • Invited Speaker for Interfinish2020 World Congress on September 7, 2021 in Nagoya, Japan. Dr. Barry gave a talk about Biofilm Problems in Households and Food Processing Industries.
  • Invited Keynote Speaker for KES International Conference in Budapest, Hungary (September 2019): Keynote Talk, "STEM and ICT Education in Intelligent Environments"
  • Chair for session "Active Learning Using ICT for Smart Education," at the KES International Conference in Budapest, Hungary (September 2019). At this session, Dr. Barry gave a presentation "STEM Activities for Exploring Mars Using Innovative E-learning."
  • Visiting Professor in Japan (June 2019): Presented the lecture "Life in Northern New York State & Its Universities," to the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College and at Toba College. Also presented the lecture "STEM Education Using Information Communication Technology (ICT) at Nagoya University. The trip was sponsored by Iketani Science and Tecnology Foundation.
  • INVITED SPEAKER, University of Belgrade, Serbia (September 2018). Talk titled: Science Communication
  • Invited Speaker, KES International Conference in Belgrade, Serbia (September 2018). This talk by Dr. Barry was called Virtual Workshop for Creative Teaching of STEM Courses. It is based on her paper published by Elsevier.
  • SPECIAL SPEAKER, University of Marseille, France (September 2017). The talk by Dr. Barry was called Virtual STEM Activity for Renewable Energy and is based on her paper published by Elsevier.
  • VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan (June 2016). Presented STEM, Engineering Design, etc. Lectures and Workshops at Osaka University, Suzuka University, the National Institute of Technology at Toba College, and at the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College
  • RESEARCH PROFESSOR, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Clarkson University (2015-)
  • RESEARCH PROFESSOR, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Clarkson University (2014-2016)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR, National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Japan (August/September 2014)
  • Presented Enjoyable Science Workshops to 160 students & their parents at the National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Japan (August 30 & 31, 2014)
  • SPECIAL SPEAKER, University of Maribor, Slovenia (March 2014)
  • Scientific Board President Professor Dana Barry (for Ansted University) delivered the Welcoming Address at the ASRIA Award ceremony held in conjunction with IRDO's 9th International Conference, at the University of Maribor in Slovenia (March 7, 2014)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR, Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (September 2013)
  • Presented Lectures in Japan about Successful Entrepreneurship and Promoting Creative Engineering Education at Osaka University, a Workshop about Creative Chemistry for students at Mikunigaoka High School, a lecture about a Core Curriculum Model for Engineering Education at Suzuka National College of Technology, and presented her paper published by Elsevier at KES 2013: the 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems held in Kitakyushu, Japan (September 2013).
  • ACS (American Chemical Society)Chemistry Ambassador
  • VISITING PROFESSOR, Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (May 2012)
  • Presented Lectures about Creativity and Entrepreneur Education at Suzuka National College of Technology and Gifu National College of Technology, Japan (May 2012)
  • Presented the paper Problem Based Learning for US and Japan Students in a Virtual Environment (authored by D. M. Barry et al. and published by Springer 2012) at the 5th KES International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia Systems and Services held in Gifu, Japan (May 23-25, 2012)
  • KEYNOTE SPEAKER,(Topic: Creative Education and Creative Engineering Design), Xiamen International Convention Center, Xiamen, China (September 25, 2011)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR and PRESENTER at First International Conference on Protect the Earth and Ocean, Xiamen Ocean Vocational College, Xiamen, China (September 26, 2011)
  • A Founding Member of the Declaration for The World Thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind (WTP-SFH), Xiamen International Convention Center, Xiamen, China (September 25, 2011)
  • SCIENCE EXPERT WHO LED SCIENCE COMPONENT OF SCIENCE AND LITERACY PROGRAM FOR LIBRARIES (in St. Lawrence, Lewis, Jefferson, and Oswego Counties) for Head Start staff and early education programs. It was made possible by a Family Literacy grant from the NYSED Division of Library Development (2010-2011).
  • FEATURED SPEAKER: Dr. Barry (author of science education books for teachers, children, and parents) used her knowledge of science for preschoolers to lead many workshops in four counties (St. Lawrence, Lewis, Jefferson, and Oswego). She was a featured speaker at the Early Childhood Conference held at SUNY Canton. The Workshop was titled Science, Literacy, and Libraries (August 2010).
  • VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan for Suzuka National College of Technology (September / October 2010)
  • PRESENTER of Invited Lectures at Osaka University, Japan. The talks were sponsored by the Global Center of Excellence for Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design program in the Graduate School of Engineering (March 2010)
  • KEYNOTE SPEAKER,(Topic: Turning Children of all Ages onto Science), Suzuka City Hall in Suzuka City, Japan (June 2008)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan for Suzuka National College of Technology (June 2008)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia for Ansted University (December 2007)
  • PRESIDENT of Ansted University's Scientific Board, British Virgin Islands, U.K. (July 2003 - present)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (November 2005)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia (November 2004)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR - England (September 2003)
  • VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (August 2002)
  • COORDINATOR for National Chemistry Week (American Chemical Society) for over 10 years
  • COORDINATOR for Earth Day (American Chemical Society) about 10 years
  • VISITING PROFESSOR for Ansted University (March 2001)
  • EXTERNAL PROFESSOR & HONORARY ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBER for Ansted University, (2000 - present)
  • INSTRUCTOR for graduate course in Elementary Science Methods at Potsdam College - Fall Semester 2003
  • INSTRUCTOR for Horizon Program at Clarkson University, 2002 - 2005
  • EDITOR & SENIOR TECHNICAL WRITER for Clarkson's Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) 1993 - present
  • PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for Clarkson's REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program 1998-1999
  • PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for the Clarkson Space Grant Program 1993-1999
  • EDITOR for Clarkson's space magazine PARALLAX 1993-1999




  • Member of the Planetary Society


    About 400 academic publications including 20 books, over 33 book chapters, science encyclopedia entries, many peer-reviewed journal features, scripts for aired television shows, music CDs, and more. This work is published in various Countries including the United States, Japan, England, Australia, Malaysia, China, and India.

    Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry by Springer 2025

    Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering by Springer 2022


    Dr.Dana Barry's Marquis Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award 2017


    New Book by Springer Nature called Formation and Control of Biofilm In Various Environments (2020)

    Materials Journal Article Titled Rotation Disk Process to Assess the Influence of Metals and Voltage on the Growth of Biofilm and Published July 2016

    NEW BOOK BIOFILM AND MATERIALS SCIENCE BY SPRINGER 2015 < Publication for2018 Serbia Project



    REVIEWER of journal manuscripts.

    PRESENTER of papers & workshops (including hands on science demonstrations and activities) at local, state, national, and international conventions.

    Dr. Dana Barry's Space Mission

    Clarkson University
    About CAMP

    CONFCHEM - 2001