Jan. 7 | introduction
& Java review |
install and try Eclipse |
Jan. 14 | abstraction
and specification procedural abstraction data abstraction |
HW#1 (5%) (1) homework due next Monday (2) code for IntSet.java |
Jan. 21 | data abstraction (cont'd) data abstraction (cont'd) exceptions |
HW#2 (10%) polynomials test case & expected output |
Jan. 28 | type
hierarchy Overview of Eclipse Eclipse plugins dependency |
HW#3 (10%) paper review |
Feb. 4 |
plug-in cont. cont. |
1. HW#4 (5%) Eclipse features 2. code for the clarkson plugin architecture and its first plugin |
Feb. 11 | Winter break Using Eclipse to read code coupling and cohesion |
project starts! Section 14.1 |
Feb. 18 | project QA composites and visitor pattern indirection in design patterns |
Section 15.5 Section 15.6 |
Feb. 25 | Use objects to pass around
procedures Observer pattern Flyweights |
Mar. 4 |
project presentation project presentation Java EE overview |
Java EE slides can be found at http://www.javapassion.com/j2ee/index.html |
Mar. 11 | Java EE overview (cont.) web server (demo) web server (cont.) |
Mar. 12: project report due in
class |
Mar. 18 | spring recess week |
Mar. 25 | Java web technologies servlets context, session, and concurrency control jsp |
Mar. 26: project report due in
class (extended) HW #5 code for Counter info for configuring and running Tomcat |
Apr. 1 | Enterprise component technologies Sun Application Server (AS) EJB 3.0 Spec (JSR 220) Java Annotations (JSR 175) |
HW #6 |
Apr. 8 | Enterprise component technologies JNDI API JDBC API Java Persistence API (JPA) JMS and Sun Open Message Queue Java RMI Spec. Java RMI Notes Java RMI over IIOP Commands for Web Services wsgen wsimport |
Apr. 15 | Wed: Patty AJAX Fri: Mike Java Generics |
Marking guideline |
Apr. 22 | Mon: Chandan RMI/IIOP Wed: Dave Java Messaging Services Fri: Tao JSP tags |
Apr. 29 | Final exam week; class ends. |